一時出国について Temporal Leave from Japan


When you leave Japan temporarily to visit your family or travel to other countries, even for short period, you need to complete the following procedures.

大学での手続き On Campus Procedures

  • 指導教員の許可を得る
    Obtain permission from your supervisor.
  • 「一時出国届」を留学生係へ提出する
    Submit the Notification of Temporal Leave from Japan
  • 帰国後,留学生係へ帰国報告をする
    Report to the International Student Office after your return.


In order to protect our livestock from infectious disease, we ask you to submit “Extramural Activities Application Form for Animal Quarantine” if you go to countries other than registered as FMD free where vaccination is not practiced. This form is required to print on the reverse side of “Notification of Temporary Leave from Japan”. You can get the form at the International Student Office, too.

参照: 農林水産省(動物検疫所)ウェブサイトから口蹄疫発生状況が確認できます。

Reference: You can check the list of FMD free countries from OIE web site.

帰国後の健康チェック Health Check after Travelling


If you are not well after travelling and thinking to see a doctor, the following check list might be helpful.