Individuals experiencing any of the following issues should stay home, report the symptoms to the OUAVM Health Care Administration Center by phone or e-mail and follow the instructions issued
- Cold-like symptoms, such as fever, runny/stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, phlegm and/or fatigue
- Signs of ill health without fever
【OUAVM Health Care Administration Center】
Tel: be 0155-49-5315,5793 (Weekdays: 8:30 am – 17:15 pm)
Class absence/leave of absence contacts
〇 For Students
Special consideration will be given for class absences when the Health Care Administration Center requires you to stay at home. For details, please contact the International Student Office.
【Student Services Section】Tel :0155-49-5298
〇 Researchers and Administrative Staff
You can take special leave if it is deemed impossible for you to work. For details, please contact the General Affairs Section (Soumu Ka).
【General Affairs Section】Tel: 0155-49-5221, 5219
Back-to-school criteria
Before returning to school, members of the OUAVM community must meet both of the following criteria:
1) Passage of at least eight days from the initial onset of symptoms
2) Passage of at least three days from the disappearance of symptoms/fever without the use of fever-reducing medication
Note: The instructions of the OUAVM Health Care Administration Center should be followed to determine when a return to school is appropriate.
If you have any of the symptoms listed below, please contact a Consultation Center
- If you are experiencing shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, high fever and/or other severe symptoms
- If you are experiencing fever, cough and/or other persistent mild symptoms.
(Be sure to seek advice if you experience the above symptoms for four or more days. Since symptoms vary among individuals, this also applies if you think your symptoms are severe or continuously need fever reducing medications.) - If you are at higher risk for severe illness* and experience mild cold-like symptoms such as a fever and/or cough
* People at higher risk include those of advanced age, those with an underlying condition, such as diabetes, heart failure or respiratory illness (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), those receiving dialysis treatment and those taking immunosuppressive medications or anticancer drugs. Pregnant women are also advised to promptly seek advice to ensure their safety
【Consultation Centers (returnee, contact a Consultation Center)】
【Obihiro Public Health Center:】Tel: 0155-26-9084(Weekdays: 8:45 am – 17:30 pm)
【Regional Health Division, Bureau of Health and Society, Department of Health and Welfare Hokkaido】Tel: 011-204-5020(Weekdays: 17:30 pm – 8:45 am; weekends and holidays: 24 hours)
【北海道新型コロナウイルス感染症 健康相談センター】Tel: 0120-501-507(toll-free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week)
※In addition to contacting a Consultation Center, please contact the OUAVM Health Care Administration Center.
【OUAVM Health Care Administration Center】
Tel: 0155-49-5315, 5793 (Weekdays: 8:30 am – 17:15 pm)
Note: The OUAVM Security Guard Office (Tel. 0155-49- 5253) can be contacted out of hours and on weekends/national holidays.
Documentation for submission to the OUAVM Health Care Administration Center
- To report cold-like symptoms:
・Health Monitoring Sheet - To be submitted upon request:
・COVID-19 Case Reporting Form
・COVID-19 Investigation Forms (Attachments 1 and 2 to the COVID-19 Case Report Form)
OUAVM definition of close contact
OUAVM defines close contact as the following forms of exposure to anybody known to have COVID-19 within two days of the onset of that person’s symptoms. Criteria may depend on conditions and instructions from the public health center.
【For students】
・Attendance at a 90-minute class also attended by the infected person
・Engagement in a club activity with the infected person in an enclosed space for an hour or more
・Face-to-face interaction within a meter of the infected person for 15 minutes or more without the use of a face mask
【Researchers and administrative staff】
・Presence in the same office as the infected person for an hour or more
・Face-to-face interaction within a meter of the infected person for 15 minutes or more without the use of a face mask