- Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Department of Life and Food Sciences
- Department of Agro-environmental Science
- Department of Human Sciences
- Research Center for Global Agromedicine
- National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases
- Center for Industry-University Collaboration
- Field Center of Animal Science and Agriculture
- Veterinary Medical Center
- Obihiro University Health Care Administration Center
- Diagnostic Center for Animal Health and Food Safety
- Practical Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Program
- Office for International Accreditation of Veterinary Education
- Institutional Research Office
Faculty members can be searched by name or keywords.
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When members are searched by name, please input a part of name by KANJI or alphabet.
Department of Veterinary Medicine/
Division of Veterinary Sciences, Section of Anatomy and Pathology
YAMADA ManabuProfessorPathological analysis of the pathogenesis of animal diseases
SASAKI MotokiProfessorStudies on the functional morphology and reproductive biology in wild and domestic animals
KOBAYASHI YoshiyasuProfessorPathogenesis studies of naturally occurring animal diseases and lesions using pathologic methods
KONDOH DaisukeAssociate ProfessorDistribution and changing patterns of glycosylation in the brain, and phylogenetic approach of the olfactory system among vertebrates.
WATANABE KenichiAssociate ProfessorPathological study of natural occurrence diseases in domestic animals. Recently, I focused on neuronal cases and amyloidosis.
TOMIYASU JumpeiAssistant Professor
Division of Veterinary Sciences, Section of Physiology and Pharmacology
KUBOTA AkiraProfessorResearch on hazard assessment and toxic mechanism of anthropogenic and natural compounds that threat food safety as well as human and animal health, and on species-specific drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics aiming at advanced veterinary medicine for rare animals
ISHIKAWA ToruProfessorIntracellular regulation mechanisms and structure-function relations of epithelial ion channels and transporters.
ISHII ToshiakiProfessorI work on elucidating the physiological development of the brain and nervous system and the pathogenic mechanisms of cerebral neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. I use mice, rats and other experimental animals and cultured nerve cells to study using pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology, morphology and other methods.
KAMIKAWA AkihiroAssociate ProfessorReveal the molecular mechanism of lactation
MUROI YoshikageAssociate ProfessorFocusing on various changes occurring in perinatal mothers, I study on the neural mechanisms involved in behavior control at the molecular, cellular and individual level.
KAWAI YusukeAssociate ProfessorStudy on species difference and molecular evolution of enzyme related to drug metabolism
Division of Veterinary Sciences, Section of Applied Veterinary Sciences
OGAWA HarukoProfessorControl of viral infections diseases
OKAMURA MasashiProfessorElucidating host-specific pathogenesis and understanding pathogen-host co-evolution for control of infectious diseases
SASAKI YoshimasaProfessorPrevalence of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in livestock farms, Relationship between antibiotic use and the selection of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria on livestock farms
AIKAWA ChihiroAssociate ProfessorElucidation of host-specific pathogenic mechanisms of bacteria
SASAKI MizukiAssociate Professor
TOYOTOME TakahitoAssociate ProfessorElucidation of fungal related deseases from both pathogen and host.
TAKEDA YoheiAssociate ProfessorApplication of novel virucidal/antiviral compounds to virus infection control measures
Komatsu YusukeAssistant Professor
Division of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Section of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
UEMURA AkikoProfessorDevelopment of minimally invasive surgery (interventional radiology) and treatment devices
Elucidation of the pathogenesis of congenital heart malformations and congenital vascular malformations
Development of a post-operative anti-adhesion agent using hyaluronic acid -
MATSUMOTO KotaroProfessorTo reveal the relationship among animals, blood-sucking arthropods including ticks and fleas, and pathogens in blood-sucking arthropods
IWASAKI RyotaAssociate ProfessorChallenge to improve prognosis based on prevention and treatment of cancer metastasis in veterinary medicine
SANO TadashiAssociate ProfessorDevelopment of more effective perioperative management methods through the use of novel biometric monitors and combinations of various anesthetics and sedatives
YOSHIDA TomohikoAssociate ProfessorEstablishment of hemodynamic evaluation and early detection of heart disease and malignant tumor using echocardiography and blood biomarkers.
Division of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Section of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
TAKAHASHI EijiProfessorStudies on calf health and disease
Studies on dairy cattle hoof disease
Studies on bovine preventive veterinary medicine -
OHTSUKA HiromichiProfessor
MATSUI MotozumiProfessor
NAMBO YasuoProfessorDevelopment of an equine disease detection method based on endocrine test and ultrasonic imaging test
Researches on assisted reproduction technologies and reproduction control methods for horses -
ITOH MegumiAssociate ProfessorTo develop a herd management system estimating blood calcium by electrocardiogram waveform, and to contribute to early diagnosis and treatment of hypocalcemia before and after parturition
HANEDA ShingoAssociate ProfessorEndoscopic observation of reproductive organs in cows, Improvement of uterine flush in cows, Mechanisms controled by steroid hormones in reproductive organs, Mechanisms of implantation in mares.
AOKI TakahiroAssociate ProfessorResearches on various factors that inhibit the production of cows and horses
TAKEYAMA AkikoAssistant ProfessorStudy for establishment of safe anesthesia method for draft horses
TAGAMI MasaakiSpecially Appointed ProfessorImaging, orthopedic surgery, soft tissue surgery and veterinary regenerative medicine of horses
Department of Life and Food Sciences
Division of Animal Production, Section of Life Science
MIYAMOTO AkioProfessor"A reoadmap to the pregnancy in the first 7 days post-insemination in the cow: Immune cross-talk of sperm and early embryo in the oviduct and uterus"
KUCHIDA KeigoProfessorDevelopment of an objective evaluation system of beef quality using image analysis and its application to improvement of breeding
TETSUKA MasafumiProfessorInvestigating roles of corticosteroids and their regulatory mechanisms in oogenesis, folliculogenesis leading to the ovulation, and embryo development, and applying the kowledge to inprove efficiency of in vitro production of embryo.
WATANABE HiroyukiAssociate Professor
HAGIYA KoichiAssociate ProfessorStudies on genetic improvement of dairy cattle by statistical genetic approach
MATSUNAGA NobuyoshiAssociate ProfessorHow are metabolic hormones of ruminant animals different from monogastric animals? Reserch and application
GOTO TatsuhikoAssociate ProfessorResearches on genetic basis controlling phenotypic variation in livestock animals
MURANISHI YukiAssociate ProfessorEpigenetic research for developmental biology in domestic animals. The aim is efficiency animal production.
Division of Animal Production, Section of Animal Husbandry
KAWASHIMA ChihoProfessorThe study of herd management in peripartum dairy cows for enhancing fertility after parturition and the growth of their calves.
HANADA MasaakiProfessorAnimal production based on regional resources
KUSABA NobuyukiProfessorOrganize a workable mastitis control program
NISHIDA TakehiroProfessorResearch on energy and nitrogen recycle
Study on nutritional control of enteric methane production from ruminant
Study on energy metabolism in livestock animals -
NADE ToshihiroProfessorStable and efficient production of beef that meets consumer needs
Tomas AcostaAssociate Professor
FUKUMA NaokiAssociate ProfessorElucidation of microbial species related to fiber degradation or metabolic disorders and exploration of functional feed materials optimizing gut fermentation in herbivore animals
SEO TetsuyaAssociate ProfessorAnimal Welfare assessment system
Yano RintaroSpecially Appointed Assistant Professor
Yamane YurinaSpecially Appointed Assistant Professor
Division of Food Science, Section of Food Technology and Biotechnology
SHIMADA KenichiroProfessorResearch on meat and meat products
FUKUSHIMA MichihiroProfessorScience food
KINOSHITA MikioProfessorFood functionality of compound lipids, especially sphingolipids and chemical property of compound lipids
Kyu-Ho HanAssociate Professor
MIKAMI NanaAssociate ProfessorStudies of meat products on applying functional components
HASHIMOTO NaotoAssociate ProfessorInvestigation of physiological roles of food components in mammales and involvement of vagus nerve in the roles
YAMASHITA ShinjiAssociate ProfessorSearch of functional lipid source and solution of the mechanism
NAKAMURA TadashiAssociate ProfessorDevelopment of fermented dairy products and fermented foods using local lactic acid bacteria.
NAGATA RyujiAssistant ProfessorThe search for food materials that improve the intestinal environment, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and systemic health through the intestinal microbiota
Division of Food Science, Section of Biomolecular Structure and Function
WATANABE JunProfessorFunctionalities of probiotic lactic acid bacteria and gut microbiota.
TAKATA KanenoriProfessor
FUKUDA KenjiProfessor
OHWADA TakujiProfessorUtilization of plant symbiotic bacteria for food production
SUGAWARA MasayukiAssociate ProfessorStudies on brewing microorganisms and plant symbiotic bacteria
Samanthi PelpolageAssistant ProfessorPostharvest practices, physicochemical characteristics and processing technology of agricultural products.
Department of Agro-environmental Science
Division of Ecology and Environmental Science, Section of Ecology and Environmental Science
YANAGAWA HisashiProfessor
KUMANO NorikuniProfessorUnderstand the evolution and adaptation of insect behavior and apply that knowledge in population management in insects.
OSHIDA TatsuoProfessor1) Study on resource use of arboreal small mammals (flying squirrels and squirrels) in natural forests
2) Phylogeographical and biogeographcal study of areboreal small mammals (flying and tree squirrels) -
KAWAMURA KensukeAssociate ProfessorToward the conservation and sustainable use of grassland ecosystems
YAMAUCHI TakeoAssociate Professor
AKASAKA TakumiAssociate Professor
HASHIMOTO YasushiAssociate ProfessorThe ecology of plants and associated fungi, including mycorrhizal and endophytic fungi in natural and agricultural ecosystems.
ASARI YushinAssociate ProfessorElucidation of the ecology of wildlife and development of countermeasures to resolve conflicts with human
SATO MasatoshiAssistant ProfessorElucidate the species composition and habitat of mire and spring head vegetation in Hokkaido
Naganuma TomokoAssistant ProfessorResearch on the Basic Ecology of Wildlife
Division of Agricultural Economics, Section of Agricultural Economics
KONO HiroichiProfessorEconomic-epedemiological study on zoonotic diseases
IWAMOTO HiroyukiProfessorResearch on the establishment of sustainable livestock management from the perspective of the food system
SEMBOKUYA YasushiProfessorRisk management on farm management
KUBOTA SatokoAssociate ProfessorTo evaluate the food system comprehensively, and clarify the system that provides scientific food safety and peace of mind.
MIYAKE ShunsukeAssociate ProfessorResearch on the impact of changes in fluctuations on agricultural management and countermeasures
KAWANO YouichiAssociate ProfessorElucidation of capabilities indispensable to management and development of management ability acquisition method
WADA DaisukeSenior Assistant ProfessorEvaluation process of labor and assets in agriculture and rural villages
MORIOKA MasakoAssistant ProfessorIdentify the role of agricultural management in ensuring food security and the various conditions for production technology adaptation.
Division of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering, Section of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering
MIYATAKE FumihitoProfessorStudy on bioresource recycling centred on compost utilization and composting technology
MUNEOKA ToshimiProfessor・River water quality and land use in agricultural and forest watershed
・Slope conservation and revegetation technology -
KIMURA MasatoAssociate ProfessorDevelopment of methods for efficeinet use of cold enegy from natural ice produced by winter cold air
YOSHIKAWA TakuyaAssociate ProfessorTreatment and Utilization of Biomass Based on Chemical Engineering
FUJIMOTO AtsuruAssistant ProfessorDevelopment of intelligent agricultural machinery/working system
NAKASHIMA NaohisaAssistant ProfessorUse an engineering approach to understand the relationship between human activities and ecosystems.
Division of Plant Production Science, Section of Plant Production Science
ONISHI KazumitsuProfessorSearch and identification of useful genes of spelt and its utilization in breeding
KATO KiyoakiProfessorIdentification of cooked rice ingredients for strengthening health functionalities and elucidation of genes controlling component quantities
TANI MasayukiProfessorResearch to achieve sustainable production and supply of high-quality and safe foods by bringing out the best in soils and abilities of plants into full play
AIUCHI DaigoAssociate Professor
KASUGA JunAssociate ProfessorWinter freezing adaptation mechanism of plants
Nakabayashi KazumiAssociate ProfessorCharacterisation of physiological and molecular mechanisms controlling seed dormancy and germination in crops and weed species, and its utilisation in agriculture
MORI MasahikoAssociate ProfessorClarification of the genetic mechanisms associated with agronomic characteristic of crop
AKIMOTO MasahiroAssociate ProfessorIntroduction of new crops to Tokachi region and development of new cultivation methods
SANETOMO RenaAssociate ProfessorPotato Germplasm Enhancement
SHIMADA HiroakiAssistant Professor
EKINO TaisukeAssistant Professor
Department of Human Sciences
Division of Natural Sciences and Physical Education, Section of Natural Sciences and Physical Education
ITADANI AtsushiProfessorStudy on the development of inorganic solid material with new function
KAWABATA HidenobuProfessor
HIRATA MasahiroProfessor1)Study of milk culture in the Afro-urasian Continent
2)Study of milk culture in Japan
3)Elucidation of the significance of milk culture in the human history
4)Study of flock management and subsistence of pastoralists in arid areas
5)Regional revitalization through dairy farming
6)Study of forest ecology and forest restoration in the urban park "Obihiro no Mori" -
Marshall SmithProfessor1)International health
2)Nutrition and health lifestyle
3)Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL) -
GANDO AzusaAssociate Professor
OHTA HirokiAssociate Professor1) Mathematical models of many-body systems
2) Data analysis and mathematical modelling of systems in community ecology -
CHUMA IzumiAssociate Professor
SAITO JunAssociate ProfessorPractical and theoretical studies on active learning and learning analytics for the physics education
MURATA KoichiroAssociate ProfessorTo investigate sustainable manegement methods of regional communities
KAYANO MitsunoriAssociate ProfessorStatistical, bioinformatical, epidemiological methods for humans' health and animals’health and performance
TANAKA YoshieAssociate Professor
TOKUJI YoshihikoAssociate Professor1. Elucidation of components that alleviate rice allergy 2. Shoot re-differentiation in azuki
GANDO YoshihitoAssociate Professor
KAWAGUCHI AyukoAssistant Professor
MIYAZAKI NaomiSpecially Appointed Assistant ProfessorUnderstanding the ecology of artificial urban forests and considering ways to promote forest growth
Research Center for Global Agromedicine
Director General
Department Chief of Veterinary Medicine
YAMADA ManabuProfessorPathological analysis of the pathogenesis of animal diseases
Department of Veterinary Medicine
KUBOTA AkiraProfessorResearch on hazard assessment and toxic mechanism of anthropogenic and natural compounds that threat food safety as well as human and animal health, and on species-specific drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics aiming at advanced veterinary medicine for rare animals
IGARASHI MakotoProfessorElucidation of parasitic mechanism of protozoa
YAMADA ManabuProfessorPathological analysis of the pathogenesis of animal diseases
YOKOYAMA NaoakiProfessorDevelopment of innovative methods to control animal piroplasmosis by unraveling pathogenesis and immunology
INOUE NoboruProfessorDevelopment of diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive methods for animal trypanosomoses (AT), and epidemiological studies for AT. Research on the mechanisms of cell differentiation in African trypanosome in progress of its life-cycle.
KAWAZU Shin-ichiroProfessor“Investigation on lifecycle of babesia parasites using bioimaging analysis”“Development of reliable diagnostics for Schistosoma japonicum infection”
XUAN XuenanProfessorDevelopment of dignostic, therapeutic, and preventive measures against canine babesiosis
NAMBO YasuoProfessorDevelopment of an equine disease detection method based on endocrine test and ultrasonic imaging test
Researches on assisted reproduction technologies and reproduction control methods for horses -
NISHIKAWA YoshifumiProfessorStudies on mechanism of disease onset caused by infection with pathogenic protozoan parasites based on micro and macro-viewpoints for development of basic research about vaccine and drug discovery
KOBAYASHI YoshiyasuProfessorPathogenesis studies of naturally occurring animal diseases and lesions using pathologic methods
SUGANUMA KeisukeAssociate ProfessorDetermination of taxonomic group of trypanosome
Development of diagnostic methods and therapeutic drugs of trypanosomiasis -
WATANABE KenichiAssociate ProfessorPathological study of natural occurrence diseases in domestic animals. Recently, I focused on neuronal cases and amyloidosis.
ASADA MasahitoAssociate ProfessorTo understand the mechanisms of protozoan parasitism and find a way to control the diseases, we are studying on functional genomics of protozoan parasites and performing field epidemiology of the diseases.
KAYANO MitsunoriAssociate ProfessorStatistical, bioinformatical, epidemiological methods for humans' health and animals’health and performance
UMEMIYA-SHIRAFUJI RikaAssociate Professor
FUKUMOTO ShinyaAssociate Professor
AOKI TakahiroAssociate ProfessorResearches on various factors that inhibit the production of cows and horses
TAKEDA YoheiAssociate ProfessorApplication of novel virucidal/antiviral compounds to virus infection control measures
KAWAI YusukeAssociate ProfessorStudy on species difference and molecular evolution of enzyme related to drug metabolism
Department Chief of Agriculture and Animal Science
Department of Agriculture and Animal Science
FUKUDA KenjiProfessor
TANI MasayukiProfessorResearch to achieve sustainable production and supply of high-quality and safe foods by bringing out the best in soils and abilities of plants into full play
AIUCHI DaigoAssociate Professor
Kyu-Ho HanAssociate Professor
KASUGA JunAssociate ProfessorWinter freezing adaptation mechanism of plants
MORI MasahikoAssociate ProfessorClarification of the genetic mechanisms associated with agronomic characteristic of crop
MIKAMI NanaAssociate ProfessorStudies of meat products on applying functional components
FUKUMA NaokiAssociate ProfessorElucidation of microbial species related to fiber degradation or metabolic disorders and exploration of functional feed materials optimizing gut fermentation in herbivore animals
KUBOTA SatokoAssociate ProfessorTo evaluate the food system comprehensively, and clarify the system that provides scientific food safety and peace of mind.
AKASAKA TakumiAssociate Professor
GOTO TatsuhikoAssociate ProfessorResearches on genetic basis controlling phenotypic variation in livestock animals
SHIMADA HiroakiAssistant Professor
National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases
Director General
Department of Drug Discovery and Development
NISHIKAWA YoshifumiProfessorStudies on mechanism of disease onset caused by infection with pathogenic protozoan parasites based on micro and macro-viewpoints for development of basic research about vaccine and drug discovery
Ushio-Watanabe NanakoSpecially Appointed Assistant ProfessorResearch on the molecular mechanisms of pathological lesions caused by protozoa.
KUBOTA RieSpecially Appointed Assistant Professor
Department of Disease Control
Department of Disease Control
INOUE NoboruProfessorDevelopment of diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive methods for animal trypanosomoses (AT), and epidemiological studies for AT. Research on the mechanisms of cell differentiation in African trypanosome in progress of its life-cycle.
SUGANUMA KeisukeAssociate ProfessorDetermination of taxonomic group of trypanosome
Development of diagnostic methods and therapeutic drugs of trypanosomiasis
Department of Disease Control
Department of Global Cooperation
YOKOYAMA NaoakiProfessorDevelopment of innovative methods to control animal piroplasmosis by unraveling pathogenesis and immunology
SUGANUMA KeisukeAssociate ProfessorDetermination of taxonomic group of trypanosome
Development of diagnostic methods and therapeutic drugs of trypanosomiasis -
FUKUMOTO ShinyaAssociate Professor
Department of Global Cooperation
IGARASHI MakotoProfessorElucidation of parasitic mechanism of protozoa
INOUE NoboruProfessorDevelopment of diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive methods for animal trypanosomoses (AT), and epidemiological studies for AT. Research on the mechanisms of cell differentiation in African trypanosome in progress of its life-cycle.
KAWAZU Shin-ichiroProfessor“Investigation on lifecycle of babesia parasites using bioimaging analysis”“Development of reliable diagnostics for Schistosoma japonicum infection”
Department of Global Cooperation
XUAN XuenanProfessorDevelopment of dignostic, therapeutic, and preventive measures against canine babesiosis
ASADA MasahitoAssociate ProfessorTo understand the mechanisms of protozoan parasitism and find a way to control the diseases, we are studying on functional genomics of protozoan parasites and performing field epidemiology of the diseases.
Center for Industry-University Collaboration
Potato Germplasm Enhancement Laboratory
Field Center of Animal Science and Agriculture
Veterinary Medical Center
Small Animal Clinic
UEMURA AkikoProfessorDevelopment of minimally invasive surgery (interventional radiology) and treatment devices
Elucidation of the pathogenesis of congenital heart malformations and congenital vascular malformations
Development of a post-operative anti-adhesion agent using hyaluronic acid -
MATSUMOTO KotaroProfessorTo reveal the relationship among animals, blood-sucking arthropods including ticks and fleas, and pathogens in blood-sucking arthropods
IWASAKI RyotaAssociate ProfessorChallenge to improve prognosis based on prevention and treatment of cancer metastasis in veterinary medicine
SANO TadashiAssociate ProfessorDevelopment of more effective perioperative management methods through the use of novel biometric monitors and combinations of various anesthetics and sedatives
YOSHIDA TomohikoAssociate ProfessorEstablishment of hemodynamic evaluation and early detection of heart disease and malignant tumor using echocardiography and blood biomarkers.
Large Animal Clinic
TAKAHASHI EijiProfessorStudies on calf health and disease
Studies on dairy cattle hoof disease
Studies on bovine preventive veterinary medicine -
MATSUI MotozumiProfessor
NAMBO YasuoProfessorDevelopment of an equine disease detection method based on endocrine test and ultrasonic imaging test
Researches on assisted reproduction technologies and reproduction control methods for horses -
ITOH MegumiAssociate ProfessorTo develop a herd management system estimating blood calcium by electrocardiogram waveform, and to contribute to early diagnosis and treatment of hypocalcemia before and after parturition
HANEDA ShingoAssociate ProfessorEndoscopic observation of reproductive organs in cows, Improvement of uterine flush in cows, Mechanisms controled by steroid hormones in reproductive organs, Mechanisms of implantation in mares.
AOKI TakahiroAssociate ProfessorResearches on various factors that inhibit the production of cows and horses
TAKEYAMA AkikoAssistant ProfessorStudy for establishment of safe anesthesia method for draft horses
TAGAMI MasaakiSpecially Appointed ProfessorImaging, orthopedic surgery, soft tissue surgery and veterinary regenerative medicine of horses
Diagnostic Resouce
OGAWA HarukoProfessorControl of viral infections diseases
YAMADA ManabuProfessorPathological analysis of the pathogenesis of animal diseases
KAWAZU Shin-ichiroProfessor“Investigation on lifecycle of babesia parasites using bioimaging analysis”“Development of reliable diagnostics for Schistosoma japonicum infection”
KOBAYASHI YoshiyasuProfessorPathogenesis studies of naturally occurring animal diseases and lesions using pathologic methods
WATANABE KenichiAssociate ProfessorPathological study of natural occurrence diseases in domestic animals. Recently, I focused on neuronal cases and amyloidosis.
Diagnostic Center for Animal Health and Food Safety
Director General
Bacteriology Laboratory
Mycology Laboratory
Virology Laboratory
Toxicology Laboratory
KUBOTA AkiraProfessorResearch on hazard assessment and toxic mechanism of anthropogenic and natural compounds that threat food safety as well as human and animal health, and on species-specific drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics aiming at advanced veterinary medicine for rare animals
KAWAI YusukeAssociate ProfessorStudy on species difference and molecular evolution of enzyme related to drug metabolism
Inspection Accuracy Management Laboratory
Obihiro University Health Care Administration Center
Practical Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Program
Office for International Accreditation of Veterinary Education
KUBOTA AkiraProfessorResearch on hazard assessment and toxic mechanism of anthropogenic and natural compounds that threat food safety as well as human and animal health, and on species-specific drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics aiming at advanced veterinary medicine for rare animals
TAKAHASHI EijiProfessorStudies on calf health and disease
Studies on dairy cattle hoof disease
Studies on bovine preventive veterinary medicine -
MATSUMOTO KotaroProfessorTo reveal the relationship among animals, blood-sucking arthropods including ticks and fleas, and pathogens in blood-sucking arthropods
OKAMURA MasashiProfessorElucidating host-specific pathogenesis and understanding pathogen-host co-evolution for control of infectious diseases
SASAKI MotokiProfessorStudies on the functional morphology and reproductive biology in wild and domestic animals
MATSUI MotozumiProfessor
KAMIKAWA AkihiroAssociate ProfessorReveal the molecular mechanism of lactation
WATANABE KenichiAssociate ProfessorPathological study of natural occurrence diseases in domestic animals. Recently, I focused on neuronal cases and amyloidosis.
AOKI TakahiroAssociate ProfessorResearches on various factors that inhibit the production of cows and horses
MUROI YoshikageAssociate ProfessorFocusing on various changes occurring in perinatal mothers, I study on the neural mechanisms involved in behavior control at the molecular, cellular and individual level.