Doctoral Programs (Animal Science and Agriculture / Veterinary Science)

Research Assistant (RA)


Common Courses

Most of the Common Courses require submitting an implementation report (by your advisor) after implementation. Some of them require submitting an application for planning (by your own) before implementation, or some require implementing achievement report meeting after implementation.

So mind that it will be conducted according to the requirements for each course.

  • Domestic/Overseas Research Exercise
    A student need to submit ‘Application for Planning’ before his/her exercise, and also need to submit ‘Report’ after his/her exercise. Both of the formats, ‘Application for Planning’ and ‘Report’ should be made by his/her main-advisor, but in the report format, there are items in which your host researcher should fill. In addition, a joint presentation meeting with ‘Domestic/Overseas Field Research Exercise’ and ‘Special Lecture for Work Adult Student’ will be conducted, and a student will be evaluated after his/her presentation.
    Format of Application for Planning
    Format of Report
  • Domestic/Overseas Field Research Exercise
    A student need to submit ‘Application for Planning’ before his/her exercise, and also need to submit ‘Report’ after his/her exercise. Both of the formats, ‘Application for Planning’ and ‘Report’ should be made by his/her main-advisor, but in the report format, there are items in which your host researcher should fill. In addition, a joint presentation meeting with ‘Domestic/Overseas Research Exercise’ and ‘Special Lecture for Work Adult Student’ will be conducted, and a student will be evaluated after his/her presentation.
    Format of Application for Planning
    Format of Report
  • Special Lecture for Work Adult Student
    A student need to submit ‘Application for Planning’ before his/her exercise, and also need to submit ‘Report’ after his/her exercise. Both of the formats, ‘Application for Planning’ and ‘Report’ should be made by his/her main-advisor, but in the report format, there are items in which your host researcher should fill. In addition, a joint presentation meeting with ‘Domestic/Overseas Research Exercise’ and ‘Domestic/ Overseas Field Research Exercise’ will be conducted, and a student will be evaluated after his/her presentation.
    Format of Application for Planning
    Format of Report
  • Advanced Research Proposal
    There is no form such as application or report for this course. So a student need to submit copies of the application form of competitive research funds which he/she has applied actually, through him/her main advisor.
  • Advanced Research Data Analysis
    After the exercise, the main-advisor of a student should make the report in prescribed format, and submit it.
    Format of Report
  • Advanced Research Presentation
    Before starting the exercise, the plan in prescribed format should be submitted. The main-advisor of a student should fill the teaching plan and subscribe in the planning format after the student fill his/her name and presentation plan. After the exercise, the report in prescribed format should be submitted. The main-advisor should fill his/her comments and subscribe in the report format after the student fill his/her name and summary of his/her presentation.
    Format of Planning
    Foemat of Peport
  • Advanced Research Paper Writing
    After the exercise, the main-advisor of a student should make the report in prescribed format, and submit it.
    Format of Report
  • Research Management
    Before starting the exercise, the main-advisor of a student should prepare and submit the plan in prescribed format after talk over with the student about ‘Progress meeting’. After the exercise, the main advisor should make the report in prescribed format with filling out comments, score and signature, and sealing on, after the student fill out the accomplishment and problem of ‘Progress meeting’.
    Format of Planning
    Format of Report
  • Academic Lecture
    Before starting the exercise, the main-advisor of a student should prepare and submit the plan in prescribed format after making an implementation plan with talking over with the student. After the exercise, the main advisor should make the report in prescribed format with filling out comments, score and signature, and sealing on.
    Format of Planning
    Format of Report
  • Research Management
    Before starting the exercise, the main-advisor of a student should prepare and submit the plan in prescribed format after making an implementation plan of individualized instruction with talking over with the student. After the exercise, the main advisor should make the report in prescribed format with filling out comments, score and signature, and sealing on, after the student fill out his/her accomplishment and problem of his/her each instruction.
    Format of Planning
    Format of Report

Research Communication

This course is aimed to acquire practical and leadership skills by learning communication skills beyond each major. Agricultural and Veterinary students address a given task together and present by group through two- days intensive seminar.

Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences

This course is aimed to acquire interdisciplinary problem-solving skills in agro-veterinary science by learning advanced knowledge in agriculture and veterinary medicine. Four lectures will be given by four lecturers (two lecturers each in agricultural field and veterinary field) through two-days intensive lecture.

In addition, the lectures in agricultural field are collaborated with ‘Advanced Seminar’ of UGAS. So you can take 2 lectures freely from 12 lectures of 3 Advanced Seminars (4 lectures from each Bioproduction Science, Bioresources Science and Regional Environment Creation).

Special Lecture for Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences

This course is aimed to acquire the abilities to be covered in advanced research with making use of the latest knowledge and technology, through the lectures on veterinary or agricultural fields such as clinical veterinary science, basic veterinary science, public hygiene science, animal production science, environmental ecology, food science, agricultural economics, engineering for agriculture, plant production science and its interdisciplinary fields.

Special lectures for this course will be held about 6-10 times per an academic-year. Then, if you attend more than 4 lectures among them and submit reports for each lecture, you can earn the credits for this course.

The Rules for ‘Special Lecture for Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences’ (PDF)
Report format for ‘Special Lecture for Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences’ (Word) 

Courses of doctoral degree program of veterinary science

Now preparing.

Doctoral Degree Program of Animal and Food Hygiene

This doctoral degree program is intended for the student in ‘Doctoral Program of Animal Science of Agriculture’, and is aimed to learn knowledge and skills on hygiene management and quality assurance of foods including livestock productions based on international standards for food safety, and to acquire excellent practical abilities and applicability, through specialized education on food safety management system compliant with international standards.

This program requires 16 or more credits to complete. If you complete the requirements for this program, you will be awarded the degree of ‘Doctor of Animal and Food Hygiene’.

If you want to take this program, you should consult with your advisor at first.

To apply for doctoral degree

Guidelines for Dissertation of OUAVM

The deadline for the degree application, AY2024

  • The deadline for September graduation applicants: Friday, June 28th, 2024
  • The deadline for March graduation applicants: Tuesday, December 10th, 2024
The deadline for the applicants who want to acquire doctoral degree by dissertation only, AY2024
  • On next September: Friday, May 31st, 2024
  • On next March: Thursday, October 31st, 2024

The deadline for the degree application, AY2025

  • The deadline for September graduation applicants: Monday, June 30th, 2025
  • The deadline for March graduation applicants: Wednesday, December 10th, 2025
The deadline for the applicants who want to acquire doctoral degree by dissertation only, AY2025
  • On next September: Friday, May 30th, 2025
  • On next March: Friday, October 31st, 2025

Certification that there is no misconduct with your dissertation

You can’t apply for doctoral degree without the certification that there is no misconduct with your dissertation. So you must consult with your main-advisor and take misconduct checking before your applying.

Documents to be submitted for the degree application

Name of documents for doctoral program for by dissertation only Number of sets
Doctoral dissertation (Fasten with a clip, don’t be bound) 4* and an electric file
The candidate’s supportive academic paper 5*
Application for Dissertation Evaluation ○(Word) ○(Word) 1
Dissertation Index ○(Word) ○(Word) 5*
Abstract of Dissertation ○(Word) ○(Word) 5*
Curriculum Vitae ○(Word) ○(Word) 1
Letter of Approval ○(Word) ○(Word) 1
Certificate of publication (to be attached when the supportive academic paper(s) has not yet been published) 5*
Certificate of graduation or final education 1
Certificate of research history 1
Registered certificate 1
Recommendation 1

* Submit one more sets than the number of thesis committee members


Admissions and Educational Affairs Section
Tel: 0155-49-5380