KUSABA Nobuyuki Professor

ThemeOrganize a workable mastitis control program

My DreamContribute to the supply of safe and creditable livestock products
  • Field Center of Animal Science and Agriculture
  • Researchmap


Field Center of Animal Science and Agriculture/StaffResearch Department/Department of Life and Food Sciences/Division of Animal Production/Section of Animal HusbandryCollaborative Center for Advanced Education/Collaborative Center for Advanced Education
Field Prevention veterinary medicine, Dairy production medicine, Mastitis control, Clinical microbiology, Molecular epidemiology
Keyword Mastitis control, Dairy farm consulting, Mycoplasmal mastitis, Environment Streptococcal mastitis, Coliformal mastitis


In order to provide safe and creditable livestock products, the removal of harm must be a top priority. The biggest hazards to livestock products are the contamination of antibiotics and pathogenic microorganisms. The largest problem in dairy farms is the occurrence of mastitis. I am struggling against the development of effective means to control mastitis.

Dairy farm consulting
Milking system inspection
Milking system inspection
Molecular epidemiologic diagnosis

List of current research topics

  • Economic evaluation of mastitis vaccine
  • Establishment of simple, quick and accurate identification method for mastitis pathogen
  • Epidemiology of environmental mastitis (clinical analysis and molecular epidemiological analysis)
  • Culture-based therapy (prudent use of antibiotics)
  • Association between cattle nutritional status and mastitis
Related industries Dairy, Veterinary medicine, Microbiological materials
Affiliated academic society Hokkaido Veterinary Medical Association, Japan Veterinaly Medical Association, The Japan Society of Veterinary Science, National Mastitis Council, The Japanese Society of Mycoplasmology
Academic degree D.Animal and Food Hygiene
License Veterinarian
Self introduction

I have educated graduated veterinarian in Federation of Hokkaido Agricultural Mutual Aid Associations. I specialize the quality milk promotion service and mastitis control.