SATO Masatoshi Assistant Professor

ThemeElucidate the species composition and habitat of mire and spring head vegetation in Hokkaido


Research Department/Department of Agro-environmental Science/Division of Ecology and Environmental Science/Section of Ecology and Environmental Science
Field Vegetation Science, Plant Ecology
Keyword Vegetation, Plant community, Habitat, Mire, Spring head, Monitoring, Endangered species, Life history, Viodiversity

List of current research topics

  • Species composition and habitat of Spring head vegetation
  • Effect of cattle disturbance on the Betula ovalifolia community, the endangered species
  • Fluctuation of number of endangered species growing in riverside
  • Vegetation transition in the afforested area aimed at natural forest
Affiliated academic society The Society of Vegetation Science, The Ecological Society of Japan
西別 湿原のウシ侵入後の植生調査
Academic degree M.Sci.
Room addressGeneral Research Building 2
Mail address satomasa atmark