TAKATA Kanenori Professor


Research Department/Department of Life and Food Sciences/Division of Food Science/Section of Biomolecular Structure and Function
Faculty (Unit)Food Science Program
Field Cereal Science, Plant Breeding, Genetics
Keyword wheat, Bread making quality, Variety, Cultivation


I registered wheat cultivar 'Kitanokaori', 'Yumechikara', 'Setokirara', 'Biwahonami','Setodure' and so on. I have been research to clarify the relationship between genes and quality characteristics such as bread-making properties. I will conduct research of the processing of domestic wheat and will work on technology development through joint research with companies.

List of current research topics

  • Evaluation and utilization of bread-making quality of new wheat varieties.
  • Study on genetic modification of quality component in wheat and processability.
Related industries Food industry, Agriculture
Affiliated academic society Japanese Society of Breeding, The Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, Crop Science Society of Japan
Academic degree D.Agr.
Room addressGeneral Research Building 3
Mail address ktakata atmark obihiro.ac.jp