KAWAZU Shin-ichiro Professor

Theme“Investigation on lifecycle of babesia parasites using bioimaging analysis”“Development of reliable diagnostics for Schistosoma japonicum infection”

My DreamImaging amazing parasites lifecycle


National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases/Department of Global Cooperation/International Cooperation UnitVeterinary Medical Center/Diagnostic ResouceResearch Center for Global Agromedicine/Department of Veterinary Medicine
Field Parasitology, Veterinary Parasitology, Tropical Medicine
Keyword Teileria, Babesia, Schistosoma, Mararia parasite, Parasite


  • Malaria
    We focus on oxidative stress responses, redox (oxidation/reduction) signals, and calcium signals in malaria protozoan cells. Living organisms adjust various physiological functions by altering the oxidation-reduction balance and calcium oscillation. We focus on “watching cells” and “imaging experiments” to understand the said systems and the roles of molecules that function in the systems, using malaria protozoa as a model organism.
  • Babesia
    We are developing technology to manipulate genes using Babesia. So far, we have developed a foreign gene expression system (green fluorescent protein-expressing protozoa) and a gene knockout system, and we are currently trying to use live imaging to clarify the mechanism of the said protozoa’s growth and infection into the red cells and the vector tick; and the pathology of cerebral babesiosis.
  • Japanese bilharziasis
    Japanese bilharziasis is a zoonotic disease closely related to public and animal health in rural areas of Asian countries. We are developing ELISA and POCT as suitable and affordable diagnostic tools, and are conducting comprehensive epidemiological surveys with the newly developed ELISA protocol and population genetic tools towards elimination of the disease in the Philippines.

List of current research topics

  • Investigation on intra-erythrocytic and ticl-stage developments of babesia parasites using bioimaging analysis
  • Development of a reliable and sensitive diagnostics for Schistosoma japonicum infection in humans and animals
Academic degree DVM, PhD
License DVM
Self introduction

I wanted to be a clinicions.Basic sceience however can contribute to pathients though it may take longer time.

Room addressNational Research Center for Protozoan Diseases
Room numberRoom 104
Mail address skawazu atmark obihiro.ac.jp