MURANISHI Yuki Associate Professor

ThemeEpigenetic research for developmental biology in domestic animals. The aim is efficiency animal production.

My DreamStudy of gene expression mechanisms in developmental statge


Research Department/Department of Life and Food Sciences/Division of Animal Production/Section of Life Science
Field Development, Functional anatomy, Nuroscience, Genetics
Keyword Pig, Sheep, Developmental biology, Gene expression, Epigenetics


I study of animal physiology of pig and sheep in Tokachi regions. The maternal nutrition and breeding environment is greatly effect to offspring's development in domestic animals. We found interesting phenotype depend on maternal nutrition in offspring. The aim of our study, we discover gene expression system and gene modification by epigenetics.

In the future, we would like to find common mechanisms between livestock and human, and we reveal the effect of maternal perinatal environment relate to their offspring's development.

Sheep mother and ramb The research of perinatal breeding environment
Piglet The research of pig physiology
Wooly pig Mangalica
Field work
Lab work

List of current research topics

Research theme list

  • Study of breeding system for Mangalica in Tokachi
  • Simple sperm evaluation method in pig and cow
  • Breeding environmental effect on nematode parasite and physiology in sheep
Related industries Animal husbandry, Life science
Academic degree Ph.D (Medical Science)
Self introduction

I gradurated in Obihiro University. I love animals and I like eating delicious foods. I do sports, because I should go field work for animal research and keep my health.

Room addressGeneral Research Building Ⅰ
Room numberS3103
Mail address muranishi atmark