YOSHIDA Tomohiko Associate Professor

ThemeEstablishment of hemodynamic evaluation and early detection of heart disease and malignant tumor using echocardiography and blood biomarkers.

My DreamProviding good animal health care


Veterinary Medical Center/Small Animal ClinicResearch Department/Department of Veterinary Medicine/Division of Clinical Veterinary Medicine/Section of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
Field Cardiology,, Oncology,, Veterinary Internal Medicine (Small animal),, Veterinary Surgery (Small animal)
Keyword Heart disease, Pulmonary hypertension, Right heart disease, Right ventricular function, Echocardiography, Heart tumor, Hemangiosarcoma, Blood biomarker, Endothelin-1


With the aging of pet animals, the opportunities which cardiovascular disease and cancer are diagnosed increases in dogs and cat. However, since animals are unable to communicate verbally, correct diagnosis and severity evaluation are difficult. For this reason, my goal is to accurately evaluate severity of cardiovascular diseases and cancer using echocardiography and blood biomarkers, leading to correct treatment.
Recently, I am focusing our research on pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension is a pathological condition characterized by an increased pulmonary arterial pressure, and which can lead to dyspnea, syncope. It is difficult to evaluate the severity of pulmonary hypertension and to judge the effectiveness of treatment, and there is currently no unified evaluation method for this disease. Therefore, our laboratory performs studies on hemodynamic analysis of pulmonary artery to evaluate the severity of pulmonary hypertension. In addition, our laboratory has various topics about pathophysiology and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, we investigate the cardiac function of large animals using echocardiography to elucidate the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.
In the field of oncology, our research focuses on haemangiosarcoma. Haemangiosarcoma which is derived from vascular endothelial cells behaves very poorly. Early detection of hemangiosarcoma is essential for a good prognosis. Now, our laboratory is collaborating with companies and other laboratories on the theme of early detection of haemangiosarcoma using blood biomarkers.

Hemodynamic analysis of pulmonary artery by echocardiography
Hemodynamic analysis by catheterization
Measurement of blood biomarkers by ELISA

List of current research topics

  • Studies on hemodynamic analysis of pulmonary artery in Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Studies on Right ventricular function in small animal
  • Hemodynamic analysis using echocardiography in large animals
  • Studies on interventional therapy for cardiovascular disease in dogs
  • Studies on blood biomarkers in dogs and cats
  • Studies on protocols for chemotherapy in dogs and cats
Related industries Medical science, Veterinary medicine, Physiology, Pathophysiology
Affiliated academic society Japanese Society of Veterinary Cardiology, Japan Veterinary Cancer Society, Japanese Society of Veterinary Anesthesia and Surgery, Animal Clinical Research Foundation, Japanese Society of Cardiology.
Academic degree Doctor of veterinary Science
License Veterinarian
Self introduction

I am from Kagoshima. Sometimes, I go back to kagoshima to enjoy fishing. When I was a child, I was an active boy who ran around the fields and played swimming. But since I have grown up an adult, I spend my days being chased by work. My research fields are about evaluation methods for cardiovascular disease and cancer. Just like people, in dogs and cats, the opportunities which cardiovascular disease and cancer are diagnosed increase. I'd like to do my best to make the animals live as long as possible with a satisfaction.

Room addressCompanion Animal Research Building
Mail address ytomohiko atmark obihiro.ac.jp