MIYAMOTO AkioTheme"A reoadmap to the pregnancy in the first 7 days post-insemination in the cow: Immune cross-talk of sperm and early embryo in the oviduct and uterus"
Animal Reproduction, Reproductive Immunology, Endocrinology, Reproductive Pathophysiology, Sperm/Embryo -
KAWASHIMA ChihoThemeThe study of herd management in peripartum dairy cows for enhancing fertility after parturition and the growth of their calves.
Animal nutrition, Animal reproduction, Animal feed management -
MIYATAKE FumihitoThemeStudy on bioresource recycling centred on compost utilization and composting technology
Agricultural environmental engineering and agricultural information engineering, Environmental agriculture, Animal production science, Environmental dynamic analysis, Plant nutrition and soil science, Environmental load reduction and remediation -
KONO HiroichiThemeEconomic-epedemiological study on zoonotic diseases
Agricultural economics, Developing Economics -
IWAMOTO HiroyukiThemeResearch on the establishment of sustainable livestock management from the perspective of the food system
Agricultural Economics, Food System Study, Environmental Economics -
WATANABE JunThemeFunctionalities of probiotic lactic acid bacteria and gut microbiota.
Food functionalities, Food science, Applied microbiology -
ONISHI KazumitsuThemeSearch and identification of useful genes of spelt and its utilization in breeding
Plant breeding, Plant genetics -
KUCHIDA KeigoThemeDevelopment of an objective evaluation system of beef quality using image analysis and its application to improvement of breeding
Livestock breeding, Meat quality evaluation -
SHIMADA KenichiroThemeResearch on meat and meat products
Meat science and Meat processing -
Animal husbundry, Food microbiology -
KATO KiyoakiThemeIdentification of cooked rice ingredients for strengthening health functionalities and elucidation of genes controlling component quantities
Genetics, Plant breeding, Plant genomics -
HANADA MasaakiThemeAnimal production based on regional resources
Animal nutrition, Feed science, Glassland science -
TETSUKA MasafumiThemeInvestigating roles of corticosteroids and their regulatory mechanisms in oogenesis, folliculogenesis leading to the ovulation, and embryo development, and applying the kowledge to inprove efficiency of in vitro production of embryo.
Animal Reproduction, Reproductive Endocrinology, Functional Anatomy, Sheep Science -
HIRATA MasahiroTheme1)Study of milk culture in the Afro-urasian Continent
2)Study of milk culture in Japan
3)Elucidation of the significance of milk culture in the human history
4)Study of flock management and subsistence of pastoralists in arid areas
5)Regional revitalization through dairy farming
6)Study of forest ecology and forest restoration in the urban park "Obihiro no Mori"Field
Cultural anthropology, Rangeland ecology -
TANI MasayukiThemeResearch to achieve sustainable production and supply of high-quality and safe foods by bringing out the best in soils and abilities of plants into full play
Soil Chemistry, Pedology, Integrated Plant Nutrient Management -
FUKUSHIMA MichihiroThemeScience food
Nutritional functional science, Nutritional biochemistry, Nutritional physiology, Intestinal bacteriology, Gastrointestinal physiology, Lipid metabolism, Carbohydrate metabolism, Intestinal immunology -
KINOSHITA MikioThemeFood functionality of compound lipids, especially sphingolipids and chemical property of compound lipids
Food functionality, Food chemistry, Lipid biochemistry, Oleochemistry -
KUSABA NobuyukiThemeOrganize a workable mastitis control program
Prevention veterinary medicine, Dairy production medicine, Mastitis control, Clinical microbiology, Molecular epidemiology -
KUMANO NorikuniThemeUnderstand the evolution and adaptation of insect behavior and apply that knowledge in population management in insects.
Behavioral ecology, Population ecology, Applied entomology -
NISHIDA TakehiroThemeResearch on energy and nitrogen recycle
Study on nutritional control of enteric methane production from ruminant
Study on energy metabolism in livestock animalsField
Animal Nutrition, Sustainable Animal Husbandry, Global Environment Problems -
OHWADA TakujiThemeUtilization of plant symbiotic bacteria for food production
Applied microbiology -
OSHIDA TatsuoTheme1) Study on resource use of arboreal small mammals (flying squirrels and squirrels) in natural forests
2) Phylogeographical and biogeographcal study of areboreal small mammals (flying and tree squirrels)Field
Mammalogy, Phylogeography, Biogeography, Wildlife Ecology -
MUNEOKA ToshimiTheme・River water quality and land use in agricultural and forest watershed
・Slope conservation and revegetation technology -
SEMBOKUYA YasushiThemeRisk management on farm management
Agricultural economics, Farm management science, Food system research
Associate Professor
Tomas Acosta
Kyu-Ho Han
HAGIYA KoichiThemeStudies on genetic improvement of dairy cattle by statistical genetic approach
Livestock breeding, Population genetics -
AKIMOTO MasahiroThemeIntroduction of new crops to Tokachi region and development of new cultivation methods
Crop Science, Agronomics, Grassland Science, Plant Breeding Science, Ecolocigal Genetics, Evolutional Ecology, Plant Genetic Resources -
KIMURA MasatoThemeDevelopment of methods for efficeinet use of cold enegy from natural ice produced by winter cold air
Agricultural meteorology -
SUGAWARA MasayukiThemeStudies on brewing microorganisms and plant symbiotic bacteria
Brewing microbiology, Genome microbiology, Applied microbiology -
MATSUNAGA NobuyoshiThemeHow are metabolic hormones of ruminant animals different from monogastric animals? Reserch and application
Animal Nutrition and Metabolism, Endocrinology and Metabolism -
NAKAMURA TadashiThemeDevelopment of fermented dairy products and fermented foods using local lactic acid bacteria.
Animal products processing, Dairy science, Applied microbiology -
Systematic Entomology, Medical Entomology -
SEO TetsuyaThemeAnimal Welfare assessment system
Animal Welfare, Animal Behaviour, Animal Husbandry -
ASARI YushinThemeElucidation of the ecology of wildlife and development of countermeasures to resolve conflicts with human
Wildlife Biology, Wildlife Management, Road Ecology, Urban Ecology