Curriculum policy for Master’s Program
Common curriculum policy of laboratories
- In order to have the students acquire the knowledge and skills specified in the diploma policy of the Master’s Program of Animal Science and Agriculture, we provide education paying attention to the following points:
- Developing ethics: we offer courses to develop ethics using e-learning,
- Developing abilities to identify and resolve issues: we offer courses using active learning to brush up logical thinking and develop abilities to identify and resolve issues on securing food safety, improving productivity, and conserving the environment,
- Developing practical skills with a global viewpoint: we offer courses to improve skills in making presentations and writing in English so that students acquire the English skills necessary to be globally active. We also offer internships, training abroad, and research presentations, where students can practice the expression and communication skills they have acquired,
- Forming a rich culture and a broad academic foundation: we offer common general courses, which enable students to acquire a rich culture, and special core courses, which enable them to advance their specialty. At the same time, special courses of other Specialties are offered as elective courses so that students can acquire highly specialized interdisciplinary knowledge.
Curriculum policy for Graduate Degree Program of Animal and Food Hygiene
- We arrange classroom courses in which students learn knowledge and skills in food safety management systems under international hygienic standards in practical and systematic manners. Also, cooperating with companies, we arrange practicums in which students learn to apply their knowledge and skills to actual worksites.
Curriculum policy for each laboratory
Veterinary Life Science
- We offer courses to learn a variety of specialties related to veterinary life science such as basic studies, pathobiology, infectious diseases, etiology and control of animal diseases, and animal clinical science of companion, industrial, experimental, and wild animals.
Animal Production Science
- We offer courses in which students can gain an understanding of the physiology and behavior of domestic animals not only from a conventional viewpoint of livestock production but also with consideration of animal welfare and ecosystem, and in which students can acquire up-to-date knowledge and skills from basics to application that lead to genetic improvement and improvement in productivity.
Ecology and Environmental Science
- We offer courses in which students can ,from the perspective of conservation to that of utilization of agricultural and livestock environments, and of the natural environments surrounding them, acquire up-to-date knowledge of the roles, functions, interactions, and relations with agriculture and livestock industry, gain up-to-date knowledge of the animals, plants, insects and microorganisms that constitute the environment, and attain up-to-date knowledge of conservation of ecosystems.
Food Science
- We offer courses to learn broad and up-to-date knowledge and skills for production and processing of foods made from agricultural and livestock ingredients, and about the functionality and safety of such foods, from the molecular level to the level of industrial production.
Agricultural Economics
- We offer courses in which students can acquire knowledge and skills in the field of economics and business related to food production, distribution and consumption, and sustainable recycling.
Engineering for Agriculture
- We offer courses in which students can acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the fields related to the improvement of the food production environment by mechanical and biological approaches and approaches using civil engineering techniques, and sustainable recycling and use of regional resources.
Plant Production Science
- We offer courses in which students can acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the field related to quantitative and qualitative improvement of plant production based on advanced knowledge of plant physiology, biology and heredity as well as soil, and sustainable recycling and use of regional resources.
Curriculum policy for Doctoral Program of Animal Science and Agriculture
- In order to have the students acquire knowledge and skill specified in the diploma policy, we conduct education paying attention to the following points:
- Developing a high-level of ethics as a researcher:
We offer courses to develop a high-level of ethics using e-learning and active learning.
- Developing leadership:
We offer courses for students to acquire advanced knowledge and skills, and an ability to manage the whole in order to develop educators and researchers with practical skills and leadership, which enable them to satisfy social needs.
- Developing international competence:
- We offer courses that enhance skills for presentation, debate and academic writing for students to play an active role globally in the future,
- We offer courses to develop international competence such as research internships and fieldwork in cooperation with overseas universities for students to acquire advanced research skills.
- Developing comprehensive research abilities as a doctor:
- We offer common courses as well as selective courses from other degree programs for students to acquire a wide range of highly technical knowledge interdisciplinarily from the viewpoint of fusing veterinary medicine, animal science and agricultural studies,
- We offer courses for students to acquire international-standard, advanced research skills that aim to resolve global issues.
- We offer courses for students to acquire a wide range of advanced knowledge and skills from life science to production science with regard to biofunction and production and management of domestic animals while keeping animal welfare and environmental conservation in consideration.
- We offer courses for students to acquire the globally most advanced knowledge and skills on food safety and animal and human health, involving highly advanced knowledge on food safety management systems and domestic and overseas safety monitoring of agricultural and livestock products, and excellent analysis and livestock management techniques in veterinary medicine and veterinary life science.
- We offer courses for students to acquire the globally most advanced knowledge and skills on the roles, functions, and interactions of the components of the natural environment (wild animals, insects and plants), and the compatibility of ecosystem conservation, taking into account animal welfare and ecological conservation in the matured global community.
- We offer courses for students to acquire the globally most advanced knowledge and skills on food production and processing from agricultural and livestock ingredients, and on the functionality and safety of these products, from the molecular level to industrial production level.
- We offer courses for students to acquire the globally most advanced knowledge and skills on the quantitative and qualitative improvement of plant production based on advanced knowledge of plants’ physiology, ecology and heredity as well as soil, taking sustainable recycling and local resources into account, and utilizing resources of Tokachi, Hokkaido, which is regarded as Japan’s principal food production base.
- We offer courses for students to acquire the globally most advanced knowledge and skills on economics and business studies related to food production, taking sustainable recycling and local resources into account, and utilizing resources of Tokachi, Hokkaido, which is regarded as Japan’s principal food production base.
- We offer courses for students to acquire the globally most advanced knowledge and skills on the improvement of food production environment by mechanical, biological, and civil engineering methods, taking sustainable recycling and local resources into account, and utilizing resources of Tokachi, Hokkaido, which is regarded as Japan’s principal food production base.
Curriculum policy for the Graduate Degree Program of Animal and Food Hygiene
- We offer courses for students to acquire the globally most advanced knowledge and skills on animal and food hygiene focusing on hygiene all the way from livestock production sites to dining tables.
Curriculum policy for Doctoral Program of Veterinary Science
- In order to have the students acquire the knowledge and skills specified in the diploma policy, we conduct education paying attention to the following points:
- Developing high-level of ethics as a researcher:
We offer courses to develop high-level of ethics using e-learning and active learning.
- Developing leadership:
We offer courses for students to acquire advanced knowledge and skills. and an ability to manage the whole in order to develop researchers and educators with practical skills and leadership, which enable them to satisfy social needs.
- Developing international competence;
- We offer common courses as well as selective courses from other degree programs for students to acquire a wide range of highly technical knowledge interdisciplinarily from the viewpoint of fusing veterinary medicine, animal science and agricultural studies,
- We offer courses to develop international competence such as research internships and fieldwork in cooperation with overseas universities for students to acquire advanced research skills.
- Developing comprehensive research abilities as a doctor:
- We offer common courses as well as selective courses from other degree programs for students to acquire a wide range of highly technical knowledge interdisciplinarily from the viewpoint of fusing veterinary medicine, animal science and agricultural studies,
- We offer courses for students to acquire international-standard, advanced research skills that aim to resolve global issues.
- We offer “special core course” as required courses, which aim to have students acquire highly advanced technical knowledge and skills on veterinary medicine and related fields in order to develop researchers who can play an active role and make contributions globally.
- We offer courses for students to acquire the globally most advanced knowledge and skills on food safety, and animal and human health, involving highly advanced knowledge on food safety management systems and domestic and overseas safety monitoring of agricultural and livestock products, and excellent analysis and livestock management techniques in veterinary medicine and veterinary life science.