MIYAMOTO Akio Professor

Theme"A reoadmap to the pregnancy in the first 7 days post-insemination in the cow: Immune cross-talk of sperm and early embryo in the oviduct and uterus"

My DreamDevelopment of new technology for frozen semen and producing embryos to improve fertility in cattle


Research Center for Global Agromedicine/Director GeneralResearch Department/Department of Life and Food Sciences/Division of Animal Production/Section of Life Science
Field Animal Reproduction, Reproductive Immunology, Endocrinology, Reproductive Pathophysiology, Sperm/Embryo
Keyword cattle, immune system, uterus, oviduct, sperm, embryo, immune cell, maternal recognition of pregnancy, attack, tolerance
Fig. 1: Cryopreserved bull sperm are released in the cow uterus, but most of sperm receive attack of immune cells or are excluded to vigina by backflow (Mol Reprod Dev 85; 2018, Cover page).
Fig. 2: A schematic representation of impact of bovine oviduct epithelial cell (BOEC)-sperm-polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) interaction for physiological changes in local immunity in the bovine oviduct during the period between estrus and ovulation. The LH-surge and sperm-BOEC binding stimulate epithelial cells to secrete high levels of PGE2 that strongly suppresses the PMN phagocytic behavior to sperm (Dom Anim Endocrinol 56, 2016).
Fig. 3: Our proposed model of the communication of the developing embryo with epithelium and immune cells in the cow oviduct. First, an immunological crosstalk exists between the embryo and oviduct epithelium; where the embryo generates an anti-inflammatory response in oviduct epithelium, and the oviduct epithelium helps the embryo to secrete IFNT by either physical contact and/or via releasing some factors. The embryoderived IFNT then regulates gene expression of immune cells towards an anti-inflammatory response (Scientific Reports 8: 7050, 2018).
Affiliated academic society Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), Society for Reproduction and Development (SRD), Japanese Society of Animal Science (JSAS)
Editor Domestic Animal Endocrinology
Editorial Board
  • Journal of Reproduction and Development (JRD)
Academic degree D.Agr.
Room addressGeneral Research Building 1
Room numberE2202-4
Mail address akiomiya atmark obihiro.ac.jp