KONO Hiroichi Professor

ThemeEconomic-epedemiological study on zoonotic diseases

My DreamPoverty reduction through livestock development in developing countries


Research Department/Department of Agro-environmental Science/Division of Agricultural Economics/Section of Agricultural Economics
Field Agricultural economics, Developing Economics
Keyword Animal infectious disease, Hidden behavior, Externality, Poverty, Epedemiology, International development


Zoonos, which transmit to both animal and human, has a big effect on society frorm economic and public health point of view. WHO designated especially 13 kinds of Zoonosis as "Neglected Noonotic disease (NZD)" and strengthened the control measures.Effect of NZD has especially huge on poor people in rural area in developing countries.In background of NZD spread, there are farmers' behavior buried in social context such as; 1) Bounded rationality which limited knowledge prevent farmers' rational behavior, 2) Hidden behavior which farmers sell their disease infectied animals illicitly. In my research, We consider NZD spread as externality in economics and we search the contermeasures for control from interdisciolinary viewpoint, foucsing on Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Madagscar.

Extensive dairy farming in Sri Lanka
Cattle carrying glass: Vietnam

List of current research topics

  • Economic-epedemiological study on zoonotic diseases
  • Research on foreign work force in Tokachi region
Related industries Food industory, Export of agricultural export, Rural encouragement
Affiliated academic society The Agricultural Economic Society of Japan, Japanese Society of Regional and Agricultural Development, The Japan Society of Veterinary Epidemiology
Editor The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics
Academic degree D.Agr.
Self introduction

Home town: Kushiro city, Hokkaido. Research: Economic-Epedemiological study on animal infectious diseases in developing countryies. Hobby: Watching Baseball gaemes

Room addressGeneral Research Building Ⅰ
Room numberE2206-1
Mail address kono atmark obihiro.ac.jp