AIKAWA Chihiro Associate Professor

ThemeElucidation of host-specific pathogenic mechanisms of bacteria

My DreamAiming to control bacterial infections


Research Department/Department of Veterinary Medicine/Division of Veterinary Sciences/Section of Applied Veterinary SciencesDiagnostic Center for Animal Health and Food Safety/Bacteriology Laboratory
Field Bacteriology, Cell Biology
Keyword Salmonella, Survival strategies in host cells


Salmonella spp. have been extensively studied using Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (ST). When ST invades intestinal epithelial cells, small vacuoles called Salmonella-containing vacuoles (SCV) are quickly formed. Most Salmonella proliferate within the SCV, but a small proportion translocate into the cytoplasm by rupture of the SCV. Half of those are digested and eliminated by xenophagy (autophagy), but the other half proliferate locally and explosively. This localized hyper replication induces pyroptosis. On the other hand, Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinurum (SG), which is also classified as a systemic Salmonella, is known to cause acute fatal septicemia in its avian host. SG, as well as ST, possesses virulence factors involved in cell invasion, and thus appears to invade host cells; however, many of the intracellular events, including SCV formation, remain unknown. Therefore, I would like to conduct research with the goal of visualizing the intracellular dynamics of SG.

List of current research topics

Survival strategies of Salmonella enterica serotype Gallinarium in host cells.

Related industries Poultry Industry, Animal Health and Public Health
Affiliated academic society Japanese Society for Bacteriology
Academic degree Doctor of Life Science
Self introduction

I am from Tokyo, Japan. I have been mainly involved in the elucidation of pathogenic mechanisms of Streptococcus pyogenes and the development of therapeutic agents (compounds and antibodies). My hobby is camping.

Room addressGeneral Research Building I
Room numberS2102-3
Mail address caikawa atmark