Member List
ONISHI KazumitsuMy DreamCreate a new wheat varietyThemeSearch and identification of useful genes of spelt and its utilization in breeding
KATO KiyoakiMy DreamSearch for new health functionalities of riceThemeIdentification of cooked rice ingredients for strengthening health functionalities and elucidation of genes controlling component quantities
TANI MasayukiMy DreamBring out the best in soils for sustainable food productionThemeResearch to achieve sustainable production and supply of high-quality and safe foods by bringing out the best in soils and abilities of plants into full play
Associate Professor
KASUGA JunMy DreamUnderstanding of freezing resistance mechanisms of boreal treesThemeWinter freezing adaptation mechanism of plants
Nakabayashi KazumiMy DreamTo characterise the physiological and molecular regulation in seed dormancy and germinationThemeCharacterisation of physiological and molecular mechanisms controlling seed dormancy and germination in crops and weed species, and its utilisation in agriculture
MORI MasahikoMy DreamTo develop new cultivars dapted to the local environment.ThemeClarification of the genetic mechanisms associated with agronomic characteristic of crop
AKIMOTO MasahiroMy DreamNew color to the field in TokachiThemeIntroduction of new crops to Tokachi region and development of new cultivation methods
SANETOMO RenaMy DreamMake a success of F1 potato breedingThemePotato Germplasm Enhancement
Assistant Professor