MATSUMOTO Kotaro Professor

My DreamSearch for blood-sucking arthropod-borne pathogens

ThemeTo reveal the relationship among animals, blood-sucking arthropods including ticks and fleas, and pathogens in blood-sucking arthropods


Veterinary Medicine, Blood-sucking arthropods, Blood-sucking arthropods-borne diseases


Tick, Tick-borne pathogen, Flea, Flea-borne pathogen, Companion animal, Wild animal
  • Laboratory of Veterinary Internal Medicine
  • Researchmap

Instructable research topic for doctoral thesis

  • 伴侶動物におけるノミ媒介性病原体の浸潤状況調査
  • アライグマとその寄生マダニのマダニ媒介性病原体保有状況調査



Academic degree Doctor of Veterinary Science
License Veterinarian
Self introduction

I have mainly studied the relation among animals and ticks, tick-borne diseases. Recently I work for wild animals, including squirrels and raccoons, and fleas. In addition, I am in charge of companion animal practice at the animal medical center 3 days a week.

Room addressDiagnostic Center for Animal Health and Food Safety
Room number2-205
Mail address kmatsumoto atmark


Research Department/Department of Veterinary Medicine/Division of Clinical Veterinary Medicine/Section of Small Animal Clinical SciencesVeterinary Medical Center/Small Animal ClinicOffice for International Accreditation of Veterinary Education/Staff


When I was a Post-doc, I mainly worked for detection and/or isolation of pathogens, including Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma and Bartonella, in blood-sucking arthropods such as ticks, fleas, and keds, and their host animals. In Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, I am studying the detection of tick-borne pathogens from dogs and ticks (Fig. 1) on them, the detection and separation of rickettsia and bartonella from Hokkaido squirrels and its parasitic flea (Fig. 2 and 3). Recently, I am collecting blood-sucking arthropods on raccoons, and searching for pathogens in raccoons and these arthropods.
These surveys show what kind of / how much pathogens exist in the living environment of dogs, cats, and humans, and risks of infection of these pathogens to dogs, cats and humans, which can contribute to protecting animal and human health.

Fig. 1. Almost engorged tick collected from dog
Fig. 2. Flea collected from Hokkaido squirrel
Fig. 3. Red stained bacteria which belongs to genus Rickettsia

List of current research topics

  • Studies on animal, ticks and ticks-borne pathogens in Hokkaido
  • Studies on companion and wild animals and fleas, flea-borne pathogens
Related industries Veterinary medicine, Zoonosis
Affiliated academic society The Japanese Society of Veterinary Medicine, The Japanese Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology, The Japanese Society of Veterinary Parasitologists, Japanese Society of Veterinary Dermatology
Academic background 1993-1999 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University, JAPAN
1999-2003 Doctor's program. Laboratory of Veterinary Internal Medicine, The United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Yamaguchi University, JAPAN
2003-2006 Post-Doc. Unité des Rickettsies, Faculté de Medecine, Marseille, FRANCE
2006-2007 Post-Doc. Infectious Diseases, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, USA
2007- Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine