HANADA Masaaki Professor

ThemeAnimal production based on regional resources

My DreamStudies for the next generation
Field Animal nutrition, Feed science, Glassland science
Keyword Feed resource, Animal production, Livestock health


We engage in research from the standpoint of grassland science, feed science and animal nutrition science with the goal of sustainable livestock production utilizing regional resources. Currently, we conduct research on (1) using feed science to improve livestock health, (2) improving the feed value of low-quality coarse feed by treating it with white Basidiomycetes, (3) improving the feed value of pasture through the development of better feed preparation methods. In item (1), it has been shown that providing oligosaccharides to postpartum dairy cows increases the serum calcium concentration in those cows and promote the transfer of immunity to their newborn calves. Item (2) is conducted with the aim of improving the feed value of low-quality coarse feed, such as straw, using the lignin-decomposing action of white Basidiomycetes, and we try to expand feed resources in developing countries. In item (3), we conduct research on how to improve and prepare grass so as to promote the value of feed made with hay, a resource in which Hokkaido is self-sufficient.

List of current research topics

  • Study on passive immunity enhancement of newborn calf
  • Study on improvement of feeding value of low quality crude feed by white basidiomycetes
  • Study on the feed value improvement of self-sufficient feed silage
Academic degree D.Agr.
Self introduction

For the past few years I've been in charge of JICA training courses and of accepting trainees every year from Africa, Asia and elsewhere. In this training, the participants learn about cattle breeding management technology, and I learn a lot from them. Currently, one in nine people in the world suffers from hunger. This makes me deeply consider what Japan's animal husbandry should achieve.

Room addressGeneral Research Building 1
Room numberS3106-3
Mail address hanada atmark obihiro.ac.jp


Research Department/Department of Life and Food Sciences/Division of Animal Production/Section of Animal Husbandry
Related industries Animal husbandry