HANEDA Shingo Associate Professor

My Dreamclarification of the effect of steroid hormons on reproductive tracts technological development of theriogenology

ThemeEndoscopic observation of reproductive organs in cows, Improvement of uterine flush in cows, Mechanisms controled by steroid hormones in reproductive organs, Mechanisms of implantation in mares.


Theriogenology, Reproductive physiolosy


Cow, Mare, Endoscopic diagnosis, Uterine flush, Implantation, Pregnansy

Instructable research topic for doctoral thesis

  • ウシの繁殖に関する研究
  • ウマの繁殖に関する研究




Academic degree D.V.M. Ph.D.
License Veterinarian
Room addressGeneral Research Building 1
Room numberS2106
Mail address haneda atmark obihiro.ac.jp


Research Department/Department of Veterinary Medicine/Division of Clinical Veterinary Medicine/Section of Large Animal Clinical SciencesVeterinary Medical Center/Large Animal ClinicCollaborative Center for Advanced Education/Collaborative Center for Advanced Education
Academic background 2004 Iwate university (graduated)
2009 Doctoral course of the united graduate school od veterinary sciences, Gifu university (graduated)
2009 Obihiro university of agriculture and veterinary medicine (assistant professor)
2018 present post