Okajima Misuzu Assistant Professor

My DreamTo reveal the infection dynamics among protozoa, ticks and host animals

ThemeIdentification of factors involved in protozoan infection by genetic modification


Veterinary parasitology, Veterinary Entomology, reproductive engineering


Tick, Piroplasma, Genetic engineering
Academic degree Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Science
License Veterinarian, Japanese College of Veterinary Pathologists
Self introduction

I'm from Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. I worked on virus research from undergraduate to graduate school, and have now tried the area of the protozoa and vector-borne arthropods. I enjoy taking pictures of various insects during my walks.

Room addressNational Research Center for Protozoan Diseases


National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases/Department of Disease Control/Research Unit for Molecular Diagnostics


Based on the experience in creating genetically engineered mice, I would like to establish model animals for protozoan diseases.
Using established models, I would like to contribute to the elucidatiion of the relationship among protozoa, ticks and host animals.

Affiliated academic society The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, The Japanese Society for Virology
Academic background 2014-2020 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Joint faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University
2021-2024 Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences, Gifu University
2024-Present Assistant professor, National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine