HAGIYA Koichi Associate Professor

My DreamDevelop human resources who can contribute to the growth of dairy farming

ThemeStudies on genetic improvement of dairy cattle by statistical genetic approach


Livestock breeding, Population genetics


Dairy cattle, Dairy, Genetic improvement

Instructable research topic for doctoral thesis

  • 乳用雌牛の生産能力や生産寿命を遺伝的に改良するための研究
  • 遺伝的能力推定精度向上のための研究
  • 雌牛・雄牛の繁殖能力を遺伝的に改良するための研究
  • 雌牛に対する暑熱ストレスの影響の調査
  • 雌牛の体型的特長と疾病との関係の調査





Academic degree D. Agr.
Room addressGeneral Research Building 1
Mail address hagiya atmark obihiro.ac.jp


Research Department/Department of Life and Food Sciences/Division of Animal Production/Section of Life Science


Most of the milk in Japan comes from the Holstein breed. Holstein cows have had their milk production increased through genetic improvement. Their reproduction involves artificial insemination, and it's not unusual for genetically superior bulls produce thousands of heifer. Although it's the work of cows to produce milk, the genetic improvement focuses on bulls. The important things are to investigate genetic ability based on individual relationships and genome information so as to find excellent bulls and to digitize their genetic characteristics and convey the correct data to producers. Statistical animal breeding has enabled the development of various methods for analyzing genetic information on individual milk yields, milk constituents, longevity, durability, female fertility, temperament (obedience or nervousness), milking speed, conformation (type) traits, the genetic ability of bulls that are utilized for artificial insemination. The members of our lab have been engaged in much of this research and development. We're trying to do the following: develop a method of breeding cows that can stay healthy even under summer heat stress, produce cows that are suitable for various housing system, such as tie stall, free stall and grazing. Our mission is to develop methods for improving the genetic ability of dairy cows such that they're adapted to the Japanese feeding environment, towards the development of the domestic dairy industry.

Holstein cow

List of current research topics

  • Application of genetic technology to enhance productivity of holstein
  • Studies on improvement of genetic evaluation technology of dairy cattle
  • Development of technology for genetically improving heat stress tolerance of dairy cattle
  • Studies to spread useful information for dairy farmers by investigating appropriate parturition interval and physical features of grazing dairy cattle
Related industries Animal husbandry
Affiliated academic society Japanese Society of Animal Science, Hokkaido Animal Science and Agriculture Society, American Dairy Science Association
Academic background 1993 School of Agriculture and Animal Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (graduated)
1998 Graduate School of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (completed master's degree)
2001 the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University (completed doctoral degree)
2001-2003 Hokkaido branch, The Holstein Cattle Association of Japan
2004-2011 National Livestock Breeding Center
2011-2014 Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center, NARO
2015- Associate Professor, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine