MIYATAKE Fumihito Professor

My DreamMake innovations in utilization of biomass and efficiency of dairy farming

ThemeStudy on bioresource recycling centred on compost utilization and composting technology


Agricultural environmental engineering and agricultural information engineering, Environmental agriculture, Animal production science, Environmental dynamic analysis, Plant nutrition and soil science, Environmental load reduction and remediation


Composting, Compost, Dairy machinery and facility, Animal Production Environment, Greenhouse gases, Biomass, Material Cycles and Waste Management
  • Bioresource and Environmental Engeering

Instructable research topic for doctoral thesis

  • 堆肥の敷料利用による牛の行動や敷料利用時ならびに堆肥化時の微生物遷移に関する研究
  • 堆肥化の効率的な管理方法の構築やシステム開発に関する研究
  • 堆肥の施用が作物の品質(抗酸化物質や硝酸態窒素)等に及ぼす影響
  • 肥効性の向上などの高機能性堆肥の開発に関する研究
  • 堆肥施用が土壌微生物叢に及ぼす影響
  • 各酪農家で生産された堆肥の微生物叢や品質、作物栽培に関する研究
  • AIを搭載した堆肥化ロボットの開発
  • 堆肥化過程における温室効果ガスや悪臭ガス抑制に関する研究
  • 搾乳牛の飼養体系の違いによる畜舎の電力消費量の調査や省エネ化技術の開発
  • バイオマスの有効活用のための環境影響評価および経済性に関する研究



Academic degree D.Agr.
License Skill training course for operation of floor-operated carne, Skill training course for slinging operation, Special Education for operating vehicle type construction machines for leveling ground, Certified Assistant to Surveyor, Emergency First Response (EFR) certification, Basic Life-Saving certification, Scuba Diving certification of Rescue Diver,PADI
Self introduction

I'm from Otaru, Hokkaido, and I have clarified the mechanism of composting and have developed composting systems, as well as having established high-quality compost production methods, verified the effects of their application, and evaluated how cattle use compost litter. In addition, I've studied resource recycling models involving biomass and life cycle assessment (LCA), the evaluation of economic efficiency, and energy conservation on dairy farms. These studies often require collaborative research with private enterprises, farmers and others, and we're working on a wide range studies from basic research to product development. I like triathlon (swimming, cycling and running) and scuba diving. I keep training to beat my personal records.

Room addressGeneral Research Building 1
Room numberE2206-2
Mail address miyaf atmark obihiro.ac.jp


Research Department/Department of Agro-environmental Science/Division of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering/Section of Environmental and Agricultural EngineeringCenter for Industry-University Collaboration/Office for Social Cooperation and Use of Intellectual Property


We conduct research to create organic fertilizers (compost) from livestock manure, garbage, and other materials using the power of microorganisms, and we develop systems to make composting and dairy facilities more efficient. I cherish the soil that nurtures food crops, and I want to prevent the environmental pollution that results from inappropriate manure management, to use biomass produced from livestock manure so as to effectively circulate resources for a comfortable environment, and to establish an efficient dairy farming system that includes the appropriate use of manure. Our lab aims to develop skills and technologies for sustainable agriculture.

Our research addresses the following.

  1. Creating high-quality compost and discovering the functionality of compost
    (Photo: A compost developed jointly with a private enterprise, and the effects of applying that compost)
  2. Creating an environmentally friendly composting system
    (Refer to the overview and photo of the E.L.S. composting system developed jointly with private enterprises)
  3. Improving the comfort of cattle by using compost for bedding
    (Photo: Survey on the behavior of cattle provided with compost bedding)
  4. Aiming to achieve a more efficient dairy farming system
  5. Developing composting technology that mitigates offensive odors and reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  6. Creating a social system for resource circulation
  7. Creating biomass energy

To realize these goals, our lab has established a consistent research system that runs from basic research to product development and onsite dissemination.

Compost developed with private companies
Application effect of developed compost
Overview of E.L.S.composting system developed with private companies
E.L.S.composting system developed with private companies
Investigation of behavior of cattle by recycle compost bedding

List of current research topics

  • Effect of recycle compost bedding on behavior of cattle and microbial succession.
  • Study on efficiency management of composting.
  • Effect of compost application on antioxidants and nitrite nitrogen of crop.
  • Development of functional compost.
  • Effect of compost applocation on microbial flora of soil.
  • Study on microbial flora of compost producted various dairy farmer.
  • Development of compostuing robot with AI.
  • Study on suppression of greenhouse gases and odor emmision during composting.
  • Effect of feeding system of cattle on electric power consumption in cattle barn.
  • Study on life cycle assessment and economy for biomass utilization.
Related industries Recycle field, Livestock machinery field, Livestock field, Crop farming field
Affiliated academic society The Society of gricultural Structures, Japan, Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Japan Society of Animal Science, The Animal Production Environment Society of Japan
Academic background 1998 Bachelor of Science in Science in Agriculture,Yamagata University
2000 Master of Science in Agriculture,Ymagata University
2003 Doctor of Agriculture,Ph.D.,Iwate University
2003-2004 Postdoctoral Researcher,Food Research Institute,NARO
2004-2006 Researcher,Venture Business Laboratory,Utsunomiya University
2006-2006 Research Fellowship for Young Scientists,Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2006-2008 Researcher,National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science、NARO
2008-2012 lecturer or Assistant Professor,Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medichine
2012-present Associate Professor,Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medichine