SASAKI Yoko Professor

ThemeModern history of Austria

My DreamPrecise source criticism and description


Research Department/Department of Human Sciences/Division of Humanities, Social Sciences and Linguistic Sciences/Section of Humanities, Social Sciences and Linguistic
Field Europe in the 19th century, Recipience of modern times, Austria, Traffic / communication network, Multilingual coexisting society, Education system
Keyword Austria, The Habsburg Monarchy, Railway construction, River / Ocean navigation, Emperor Ferdinand Northern Railway, Prince Rudolf Railway, Austrian Southern Railway, DDSG Blue Danube Schifffahrt GmbH, Austrian Lloyd, Trieste, Italia irredenta, Language in classes


In 2013, I published Habsburg Teikoku no Tetsudo to Kisen (Railways and Steamships in the Habsburg Monarchy), a book based on my dissertation. The collaboratively written Kindai Europe wo Yomitoku (An Interpretation of Modern Europe) was published in 2008, Ekkyosha no Sekaishi (A World History of Border-Jumpers) in 2013, Teikoku, Kokumin, Gengo (Empire, People and Language) in 2017, and Umi to Riku no Orinasu Sekaishi (A World History of Land and Sea) in 2018. Papers published in and after 2000 include Austria no Orientalism (Orientalism in Austria), Austria Lloyd-sha to Koekisei (Austrian Lloyd and the Public Interest), Trieste ni Okeru Kyozon (Coexistence in Trieste), Cosmopolitanism no Shuen – Trieste ni Okeru Minzokubunka to Irredentism (The End of Cosmopolitanism: Ethnic Differentiation and Irredentism) and 19seiki Trieste ni Okeru Kokuritsu Gymnasium no Jugyogo (Language in Classes at National Gymnasiums in Trieste in the 19th Century).

Academic degree Doctor of History
Self introduction

I research modern history of Austria.

Room addressGeneral Research Building 1
Mail address yoko atmark