MATSUI Motozumi Professor

Field Theriogenology, Reproductive Physiology in domestic animal, Reproductive Pathology in domestic animal, Reproductive disorder in in domestic animal
Keyword Cattle, Oocyte, Follicle, Corpus luteum, Ovary, Uterus, Artificial insemination, Embryo transfer, Timed-artificial insemination, Reproductive disorder, Reproduction in Wildlife


In dairy and beef cattle production, the management to maintain high reproductive performance is essential. However, in the current reproductive management of cattle, various problems have arisen such as, "difficulty to find estrus that is essential for artificial insemination", "the conception rate of artificial insemination and embryo transfer has not reached a sufficient level" and "occurrence of pregnancy loss after pregnancy establishment". There are many challenges to improve reproductive efficiency.
In laboratory of Theriogeneology, we are conducting research to obtain findings about reproductive physiology that can contribute to improving the reproductive efficiency of cattle. These studies focus on approaching challenges from a physiological perspective such as, "what kind of physiological abnormalities are involved in the reproductive problems of cattle", and "what kind of treatments are effective to the reproductive problems that relate to the physiological disorders", etc. We believe that elucidation of the physiological mechanism is essential for improving the reproductive efficiency of cattle.
Based on this idea, we are conducting the following research with the aim of improving the reproductive efficiency of cattle.
① Ovarian physiology (morphology and function of follicles and corpus luteum) and related reproductive endocrine
② Elucidation of the physiological mechanism involved in the establishment of pregnancy in dairy cows (oviduct and uterine function, immune function, etc.)
③ Research on timed-artificial insemination program

Academic degree D.Vet.
License Veterinarian
Self introduction

I am interested in the education and research of clinical veterinary medicine (Theriogenology), and I am doing my best every day with the contact with students as a source of energy. After graduate school, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher (2 places in Japan and 1 place overseas), during that time I also experienced part-time work at a veterinary hospital, wildlife research. I have been a lecturer for more than 15 years, graduates from my laboratory have various occupations such as clinical veterinarians for cattle and companion animals, civil servant veterinarian, veterinarians at zoos and aquariums, veterinarians involved in wildlife and environmental conservation, and university teachers. It has been my great asset to be engaged in and share a period of their school days. Based on these experiences, my goal is to spend meaningful time with the students.

Room addressGeneral Research Building 1
Room numberS2106
Mail address mmatsui atmark


Research Department/Department of Veterinary Medicine/Division of Clinical Veterinary Medicine/Section of Large Animal Clinical SciencesVeterinary Medical Center/Large Animal ClinicCollaborative Center for Advanced Education/獣医分野推進室長Office for International Accreditation of Veterinary Education/Staff
Affiliated academic society The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, The Society for Reproduction and Developmen, American Dairy Science Association, Japanese Society of Animal Science
Academic background 1992 Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo
1996 PhD in Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo
1997-2000年 日本学術振興会特別研究員
2000-2002年 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校医学部産婦人科 ポスドク研究員
2002-2004年 帯広畜産大学畜産学部 COEポスドク研究員
2004-2008年 帯広畜産大学畜産学部獣医学科 助手
2008-2015年 帯広畜産大学臨床獣医学研究部門 准教授
2015年- 現職