TAKEYAMA Akiko Assistant Professor

ThemeStudy for establishment of safe anesthesia method for draft horses

My DreamTo provide more treatment options for draft horses and cows
Field Clinical veterinaly medicine, Blood Biochemistry
Keyword equine medicine, bovine medicine, anesthesia, veterinary surgical medicine


I have made studies of equine reproduction, and blood biochemistry of equine and bovine, throughout the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. For two years now, I have been involved at medical practice at the veterinary medical center of the university, especially in surgical treatment of equine and bovine.
I have found there are concerns and issues over anesthesia and treatment after surgery of draft horses.
Our university is located in Obihiro city where is well known as the only place holds the “Ban-ei” draft horse race and also the breeding ground of draft horses and cows.
By deepening the study and I am working on to establish safe anesthesia methods and after-surgery treatment to save more horses and cows further.

List of current research topics

  • Study on morbidity of orthopedics disease and physiological blood biochemistry features in draft horses
  • Study about influences of inhalation anesthesia on draft horses and to establish safe safe anesthesia methods
Academic degree DVM Ph.D.
License Veterinarian
Self introduction

I'm from Sendai, Miyagi.

Room addressLarge animal Hospital and Clinical Research Building
Mail address achiba atmark obihiro.ac.jp


Research Department/Department of Veterinary Medicine/Division of Clinical Veterinary Medicine/Section of Large Animal Clinical SciencesVeterinary Medical Center/Large Animal Clinic
Related industries veterinary medicine
Affiliated academic society Japan Veterinary Medical Association, Japanese society of Equine science
Academic background Bachelor of veterinary medicine, Obihiro university of Agriculture and Veterinary medicine, Hokkaido (2017)
Doctor of veterinary medicine, Gifu university, Gifu (2021)