Doctor’s degree application process

Thesis Format of OUAVM  ※Revision: Mar.16, 2016

The deadline for the degree application

The deadline for the next September graduation applicants : Friday, June 29, 2018

The deadline for the next March graduation applicants : Friday, December 7, 2018

The deadline for the applicants who want to acquire doctoral degree by dissertation only

On next September: Friday, May 31, 2018

On next March: Friday, November 2, 2018

Certification there is no misconduct with your dissertation

You can’t apply for doctoral degree without the certification that there is no misconduct with your dissertation. So you must consult with your main-advisor and take misconduct checking before your applying.

Documents to be submitted for the degree application


Name of documents for doctral program for by thesis only Number of sets
Doctoral dissertation (Fasten with a clip, don’t be bound) 5部※+電子ファイル
The candidate’s supportive academic paper 6部※
Application for Dissertation Evaluation 1部
Dissertation Index 6部※
Abstract of Dissertation 6部※
Curricuram Vitae 1部
Letter of Approval 各1部
Certificate of publication (to be attached when the supportive academic paper(s) has not yet been published) 各6部※
最終学歴の卒業証明書または修了証明書 1部
研究歴証明書 1部
戸籍抄本(外国人の場合は登録済証明書) 1部
推薦書 1部