Before Applying for Admission

To Those Considering Studying
at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

You can study at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (OUAVM) as an undergraduate student, graduate student, research student, special auditor, or special research student. Before applying, please make sure there is a course or program that matches the purpose and subject of your study, and which faculty the professor from whom you wish to receive instructions belongs to.

1. Definition of International Students

An international or foreign student educated at a Japanese university is defined as a student who has a “student” status of residence provided in the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act. A foreign national with a “dependant” status of residence can enter a university and study but is not regarded as an international student at a university and not eligible for scholarships for students who have the student status of residence (Click here for the details of status of residence).

2. Types of International Students

International students are classified by their types of enrollment and type of funding. These classifications may change during their stay in Japan.

(1) Classification of International Students (Types of Enrollment)

International students at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine are classified into the following five types according to their status of enrollment.

Degree Student Undergraduate student An undergraduate student aims to acquire a bachelor’s degree in a four-year program, or six-year veterinary medical program. Click here for admission information (Japanese).
Graduate student A graduate student aims to acquire a master’s or doctoral degree. Click here for admission information.
Non-degree student Research student A research student studies a specific subject under the supervising professor. Many international students take the entrance exam while studying as a research student for 6 months to one year and enter the graduate school. It is very helpful for your study and life after entering the graduate school to spend some time studying on your specialized field and getting used to life in Japan while you are a research student. We recommend you enter as a research student before entering the graduate school. Click here for admission information.
Special auditor A special auditor is an exchange undergraduate or graduate student from a university outside Japan that has an exchange agreement with OUAVM who is enrolled in OUAVM for up to one year and audits specific courses. The necessary procedures are done between the staff in charge between the foreign university and OUAVM, and a direct application from a student will not be accepted. Check with your university if they have an exchange agreement with OUAVM and learn about the details of the agreement if they have one.
Special research student A special research student is enrolled in another graduate school and studies at the graduate school of OUAVM for up to one year under instruction of the professor of the student’s choice. The necessary procedures are done between the staff in charge between the foreign university and OUAVM, and a direct application from a student will not be accepted. If you wish to be a special research student you need to contact the professor of your choice at OUAVM through your supervising professor at your university.

(2) Classification of International Students (Scholarship)

International students at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine are classified into the following two types according to the scholarship.

Government sponsored international student Government sponsored international students are those who receive a scholarship from the Japanese Government (Ministry of Education and Science). There are three routes to applying for the scholarship: by recommendation of an embassy, by recommendation of a university, and by domestic selection (students who have already been enrolled in our university can take this method). The former two are what you can try before coming to Japan. Click here for more details.
Privately funded international student Privately funded students refer to all the international students except government sponsored international students. They include self-funded students, students sponsored by a foreign government, and short-term students from a university with an exchange agreement.

(3) Classification of International Students (Chart)

3. Schools and Programs


Schools of Animal and Agricultural Science School of Agriculture
School of Cooperative Veterinary Medicine


School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and Agriculture

Master’s program

(2 year)

Animal Science and Agriculture Veterinary Life Science
Animal Production
Ecology and Environmental Science
Food Science
Agricultural Economics
Engineering for Agriculture
Plant Production Science

Doctoral Program

(3 year)

Animal Science and Agriculture

Doctoral Program

(4 year)

Veterinary Science

4. Supervising Professor

Those who wish to enter the graduate school or enter OUAVM as a research student need to contact the instructor whom you want to be your supervising professor and get their informal consent. Before applying, communicate with the instructor about your study plan, your Japanese ability and so on, and get their informal acceptance to be your supervising professor. Click here for the list of instructors.

*How to contact your prospective supervising professor.

Use email to communicate with the instructor whom you want to be your supervising professor. Provide your basic information using the Form to Request a Supervising Professor. Complete the form and attach it to your first email.

Your prospective supervising professor may ask you questions about your email and consider if they will accept your request. This may take time, so you should send the first email at least three months prior to the submission of your application.