Vol.22 NO.1-2 December,2012 ISSN 0917-4427


  1. Pneumonia as the cause of death in gilts experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei. 
    Allam, L, Ogwu, D, Agbede, R.I.S, Sackey, A.K.B.
  2. Losses of milk production due to Babesia bigemina infection in a cross bred cow : A case study. 
    Laha, R, Das, M, Goswami, A, Singh, P.
  3. Preliminary studies for development of an immunochromatographic test (ICT) for detection of antibody against salivarian trypanosomes by using recombinant ribosomal P0 protein. 
    Cheng, Z, Goto, Y, Nguyen, T, Sakurai, T, Zang,J, Kawazu, S, Inoue, N, 河津, 信一郎, 井上, 昇


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帯広畜産大学学術情報リポジトリ検索 Obihiro University Archives of Knowledge

Journal of protozoology research
出版者: National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases
言語: eng
ISSN/ISBN: 09174427