WOAH reference laboratories and WOAH collaborating centres
The World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), an international organization with 181 member countries, aims to ensure the security and safety of livestock and livestock products. They certify the world’s cutting-edge research institutes and specialists as collaborating centres or reference laboratories. These institutes then utilize the results of the latest research for the development of new diagnostic methods for infectious diseases in animals and are responsible for the international standardization of vaccines. In recent years, WOAH has also emphasized the contribution of collaborating centres to developing countries so that diagnostic technology for infectious diseases and livestock sanitation standards can be improved in these countries. In June 2007, two laboratories in the National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases (NRCPD) were designated as OIE reference laboratories (bovine babesiosis, equine piroplasmosis and surra). In May 2008, the NRCPD was designated as the first OIE collaborating centre in Asia. The NRCPD is highly expected to contribute for the control of animal and zoonotic protozoan diseases in the world. Moreover, “Protozoan DNA testing of bovine babesiosis, equine piroplasmosis and surra by PCR methods in accordance with OIE manual” provided by our OIE reference laboratories has been certified as ISO/IEC17025:2005 in March 2017.
- World Organization for Animal Health: WOAH
- Reference laboratories
- Collaborating centres
- WOAH Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific
- 農林水産省―国際獣疫事務局(OIE)

WOAH collaborating centre
WOAH collaborating centres are centres of expertise in a specific designated sphere of competence relating to the management of general questions on animal health issues. The National Research Centre for Protozoan Diseases was designated as the OIE collaborating center for Surveillance and Control of Animal Protozoan Diseases in May, 2008.
WOAH reference laboratories
WOAH reference laboratories are designated to pursue all the scientific and technical problems relating to a named disease. WOAH reference laboratories provide definitive diagnosis service and consultation for international animal trades and storage and/or provide the reference materials for diagnosis. Moreover, WOAH experts support for the revision of WOAH terrestrial manuals, Terrestrial Animal Health Code, and Technical disease cards.
Prof. Naoaki Yokoyama
Prof. Naoaki Yokoyama was designated as an WOAH expert for bovine babesiosis and equine piroplasmosis in June 2019.
Dr. Noboru Inoue, Assistant to the President, Obihiro Univ.
Dr. Noboru Inoue was designated as an WOAH expert for surra (Trypanosoma evansi infection) in June 2007. He is a member of OIE NTTAT network. His laboratory provide definitive diagnosis service of surra for international animal trades
United States Department of Agriculture