Contact & Access


National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases,
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Inada-cho, Obihiro, Hokkaido 080-8555, JAPAN
Tel: (+81)-155-49-5642 Fax: (+81)-155-49-5643


Google Map (Street View)

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From Obihiro Station to the University

Tokachi Bus

There are 2 bus routes from Obihiro Station to the University.

  1. From Obihiro Station Bus Terminal #9, take bus #70 or #72 bound for Oozora Danchi.
    Get off at Ryokuyou Koko Mae Bus Stop. (about 30 min.)
    It’s about a 15 min. walk to the University entrance.
  2. From Obihiro Station Bus Terminal #9, take bus #73 bound for ito yokado.
    Get off at Nougyou Koko seimon kita Mae Bus Stop. (about 30 min.)
    It’s about a 15 min. walk to the University entrance.


It takes about 20 min. and costs around 2,400 yen (about7 km).

From Tokachi Obihiro Airport to the University

Tokachi bus

There is a bus from the airport to Obihiro Station(about 40 min., approx.1,000 yen). 
From Obihiro Station see schedule shown above.


It takes about 30 min. by taxi and costs around 7,000 yen (about 21 km).

Campus Map
