Logo Mark

December 23, 2019 

Designed by Masami Aihara (Sculpture Studio)


Please note the following pertaining to the use of the NRCPD logo:
After downloading the image, please use the logo without any modifications.
– The proportions and shape of the logo should not be altered for any reason. To modify the size of the logo, the proportions should be maintained while scaling up or down.
– The color and texts of the logo should not be altered in any way. If you are unable to use the correct color due to technical limitations, please use black and white.
– Do not animate or fabricate physical objects in the form of the NRCPD logo.


The following variations of the NRCPD logo are downloadable via the University LAN.

   Color(PNG)  /  Color(JPG)

   Monochrome(PNG)   /   Monochrome(JPG)