We held a special lecture by Assoc. Prof. Aongart Mahittikorn (Mahidol University, Thailand) titled “Research highlights from Department of Protozoology & current status of Toxoplasma infection in human and animals in Thailand” on January 11 (Wed) at PK hall. Toxoplasma gondii infection is widespread among humans and animals. Its prevalence varies widely from place to place. Among the detection techniques, anti-T. gondii IgG detection is the most common method used to identify infection status. The prevalence data of T. gondii infections reported from each area of Thailand differs enormously. Associated risk factors reported for infection in human are older age, multiparity, drinking unclean water, contact with cats, lower educational levels, and less knowledge of toxoplasmosis. In this seminar, current status of T. gondii infection in human and animals in Thailand and research highlights of Department of Protozoology focusing on his research activities will be presented in order to seek international collaboration and promote collaborative projects.
(Reported by Yoshifumi Nishikawa)