
AOKI Takahiro

Associate Professor


Researches on various factors that inhibit the production of cows and horses

My Dream

Developing the technologies that will support future livestock farming


Research Center for Global Agromedicine, Department of Veterinary Medicine

Research Department, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Division of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Section of Large Animal Clinical Sciences

Veterinary Medical Center, Large Animal Clinic

Office for International Accreditation of Veterinary Education, Staff

Field of research Clinical veterinary science, Perinatology, Theriogenology, Production medicine
Keyword Cow, Horse, Parturition, Inflammation, Breeding, Pregnancy, Lameness, Hoof disease, Stress


I am conducting researches on various factors that inhibit the production of cows and horses.

Foaling in Heavy darft horses
Calving in Dairy cows
Academic degree Ph.D.(Veterinary Medicine)
License DVM
Room address Large Animal Hospital and Clinical Research Building
Mail address aokit atmark