TAKAHASHI Eiji Professor

ThemeStudies on calf health and disease
Studies on dairy cattle hoof disease
Studies on bovine preventive veterinary medicine

My DreamA happy lifetime to all bovines


Research Department/Department of Veterinary Medicine/Division of Clinical Veterinary Medicine/Section of Large Animal Clinical SciencesVeterinary Medical Center/Large Animal ClinicOffice for International Accreditation of Veterinary Education/Staff
Field Bovine disease, Livestock nutrition, Production medicine
Keyword Bovine, Calf, Amino acid, Digital dermatitis, Prevention


At graduate school I studied surgically non-invasive methods for diagnosing bovine amyloidosis. Isoform analysis of serum amyloid A (SAA), which is a precursor of deposited amyloid A protein, was found to be an effective diagnostic tool. While working as a vet at the National Agricultural Insurance Association, I studied a nephrotic syndrome in cattle in which there's no amyloid deposition, and I conducted epidemiological surveys of infectious diseases at dairy-cow care and nursery facilities and supplement supply tests to boost calf productivity. I've only just come to this university, so comprehensive research on these hasn't been conducted yet. Now I'm promoting research on digital dermatitis in dairy cattle.

Related industries Veterinary medicine, Animal husbandry, Livestock nutrition, Clinical epidemiology
Affiliated academic society The Japanese Society of Farm Animal Veterinary Medicine, The Society of Farm Animal in Infectious Diseases
Academic degree Ph.D.
License Veterinarian
Self introduction

I'm from Kanagawa. I worked as a clinical vet on an industrial farm in Tokachi for 32 years before coming to this university. I hope to take advantage of that experience and to conduct research that addresses the needs of livestock farmers and industrial animal clinicians. I like motocross and fishing in streams and surf.

Room addressLarge Animal Hospital and Clinical Research Building
Room number207
Mail address eijit123 atmark obihiro.ac.jp