ASARI Yushin Associate Professor

ThemeElucidation of the ecology of wildlife and development of countermeasures to resolve conflicts with human

My DreamUnderstand and go on well with wildlife
Field Wildlife Biology, Wildlife Management, Road Ecology, Urban Ecology
Keyword Arboreal mammals, Small mammals, Raccoon, Nest box, Animal damage, Urban forest, Habitat fragmentation, Corridor, Roadkill, Transportation infrastracture


Most mammals in Japan are forest species, and the decrease and fragmentation of their habitats due to road construction, residential land development, and farmland expansion have become major issues. Since exchanges between populations are hindered and road kill (which occurs when cars hit animals) occurs, we've studied animals' ability to move and other basic ecology, examined effective measures to ensure uninterrupted movement of animals, and verified their effects (Photo 1). We've also studied the ecology of raccoons and other animals that affect the agriculture and livestock industries from the viewpoint of feeding damage and transmission of diseases, and we've used the results to reduce and prevent damage.

Photo 1
Academic degree Ph.D. Agr.
Self introduction

I was born in Odate City (the former Tashiro Town), Akita Prefecture. I grew up in mountains where Asiatic black bears and Japanese serows would show up behind my house. Sometimes I'd go fishing in the river.

Room addressGeneral Research Building 2
Mail address asari atmark


Research Department/Department of Agro-environmental Science/Division of Ecology and Environmental Science/Section of Ecology and Environmental ScienceCollaborative Center for Advanced Education/副センター長Collaborative Center for Advanced Education/Collaborative Center for Advanced Education
Affiliated academic society The Ecological Society of Japan, The Mammal Society of Japan, Japan Society for Impact Assessment, Association of Wildlife and Human Society
Academic background 2000 Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture (Graduated)
2005 Graduate School of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (Completed Master's Degree)
2008 The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University (Completed Doctoral Degree)

2001-2002 Research Fellow, Japan Wildlife Research Center
2002-2003 Research Student, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
2003-2008 Teaching Assistant, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
2008-2017 Engineer, CHODAI CO., LTD.
2017-present Specially Appointed Senior Assistant Professor, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
いのちを預かるスペシャリスト 帯広畜産大学で自分のやりたい研究を見つけよう!